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Media Report
July 19 , 2016
  • Reuters reports: "The Philippines has turned down a Chinese proposal to start bilateral talks on their South China Sea dispute, its foreign minister said on Tuesday, because of Beijing's pre-condition of not discussing a court ruling that nullified most of its claims....Perfecto Yasay said he had met his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on the sidelines of a meeting of Asian and European leaders in Mongolia at the weekend and after raising the topic of last week's ruling, it became clear that was a no-go area. China's foreign ministry said in a statement Tuesday night that the two ministers had 'informal contact' in Mongolia. Wang said if the Philippines was willing to resume talks, manage divisions and improve relations, China would meet it halfway, according to the statement."
  • The New York Times reports: "China said Monday that it had begun what would become regular military air patrols over disputed islands and shoals of the South China Sea, highlighting its claim to the vast area a week after an international tribunal said Beijing's assertion of sovereignty over the waters had no legal basis. China's air force flew a 'combat air patrol' over the South China Sea 'recently,' Xinhua, the official news agency, reported, citing Shen Jinke, an air force spokesman. The patrol consisted of bombers, fighters, 'scouts' and tankers and would become 'regular practice,' Mr. Shen said, according to Xinhua."
  • The Washington Post reports: "Yu Jianchun, a 33-year-old package delivery man from China's Henan province, appears to have untangled a mathematics problem with an efficiency that stunned Chinese experts. While the claim has yet to be independently verified, Yu has been heralded as the real-life Will Hunting. Just don't ask him about the film — he says he's never seen it....'He has never received any systematic training in number theory nor taken advanced math classes,' Zhejiang University mathematics professor Cai Tianxin told CNN. 'All he has is an instinct and an extreme sensitivity to numbers.' To the website Chinatopix, Cai described Yu's method as 'a very imaginative solution.'"
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