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Media Report
July 12 , 2016
  • The New York Times reports: "An international tribunal in The Hague delivered a sweeping rebuke on Tuesday of China's behavior in the South China Sea, including the construction of artificial islands, and found that its expansive claim to sovereignty over the waters had no legal basis....'It's an overwhelming victory. We won on every significant point,' said the Philippines' chief counsel in the case, Paul S. Reichler. 'This is a remarkable victory for the Philippines.' But while the decision is legally binding, there is no mechanism for enforcing it, and China, which refused to participate in the tribunal's proceedings, reiterated on Tuesday that it would not abide by it. 'The award is invalid and has no binding force,' the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 'China does not accept or recognize it.'"
  • The Wall Street Journal reports: "In the aftermath of an unambiguous and unanimous legal verdict that strikes down Beijing's historic claims to the South China Sea, rebukes it for turning coral reefs into island fortresses through massive dredging and sides with bullied Philippine fishermen, the Chinese government's legitimacy is on the line. China's response will be guided by the reactions of a nationalistic public and a conviction that the judges in The Hague who delivered their stinging judgment were pawns in a U.S. conspiracy to contain China's rise. China will now turn its wrath on America. On Tuesday, Xinhua News Agency denounced the case as a 'farce directed with meticulous care by outside forces.'"
  • Reuters reports: "Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday China hoped for a 'powerful' European Union and he had faith it would develop despite Britain's vote to leave. 'China firmly supports the process of EU integration and believes that the EU's development will not stop, and furthermore is willing to see a stable, flourishing, and powerful EU,' Li said during a summit of Chinese and European leaders....The two-day China-EU summit, which began on Tuesday, is the fist meetings between Chinese and European Union leaders since the British vote to leave the EU in a June 23 referendum."
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