Feng Zhongping, Director, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Oct 07, 2021
How should China deal with Europe? The answer is becoming increasingly complex. Changes in approach are necessitated by Europe’s effort to redefine its role as a mere international trade actor. It seeks to become a major geopolitical power in its own right, independent of the United States.
Nie Wenjuan, Deputy Director of Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University
Oct 07, 2021
Speeches by Xi Jinping and Joe Biden laid out their understanding of the international political order from the perspective of their own national history. Developed nations in the West may identify with the U.S. vision, while developing nations may find the Chinese vision more attractive.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Oct 02, 2021
While the release of Meng Wanzhou to China and Michael Spavor and Michael Korvig to Canada gives cause to celebrate, the underlying reasons that led to their detainments must be analyzed.
Junyang Hu, Research Associate for U.S.-China PAX sapiens, One Earth Future Foundation
Oct 02, 2021
As the United States redistributes resources in response to complex dynamics with regard to China, its approach is likely to be an evolutionary, full-spectrum endeavor that goes beyond the military alone. It’s a posture that will be difficult to maintain and one that could even create chaos.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Oct 02, 2021
“There is only one system in the world, and that is the international system with the United Nations at its core,” President Xi Jinping said. “There is only one order, and that is the international order based on international law.”
Lu Chuanying, Fellow and Secretary-general of the Research Center for the International Governance of Cyberspace, SIIS
Oct 02, 2021
Meng Wanzhou’s release, along with Canada’s two Michaels, breaks a deadlock in a geopolitical tug-of-war. It presents an opportunity to restore mutual trust between China and the U.S. in the sci-tech sector. A crackdown on China now would be ill-timed.
Einar Tangen, Host of the OnAsia Vcast
Oct 02, 2021
The sordid tale of a Huawei executive — held hostage in Canada under pressure from the United States — ends with a whimper, not a bang. And the world is worse off for it. Yet the aimless machinations of a wayward superpower continue.
An Gang, Adjunct Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Sep 30, 2021
A three-tier diplomatic architecture is needed under which leaders at the top level can break the ice and remove roadblocks for those below. While there are some grounds for concern of a possible bilateral breakup, this cannot be allowed to happen. There is safety in clarity.
Sep 28, 2021
The release could serve to ease the tense relations with Beijing.
Sep 21, 2021
It was another rocky week in the U.S.-China relationship.