Curtis S. Chin, Former U.S. Ambassador to Asian Development Bank
Nov 13, 2015
Should China finally move to better police both the makers and the distributors of counterfeit and shoddy products, the nation’s leaders could also take a page from California’s experiences and do more to seek to spur innovation, rather than imitation.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Nov 12, 2015
Many U.S. policymakers see China as the answer to North Korean proliferation, but the People’s Republic of China has not yet proved willing to abandon its sole ally. China’s interest is almost purely negative, avoiding what the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea could become.
Yin Chengde, Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
Nov 10, 2015
Britain knows that in order to propel its economy, China and other Asian economies are indispensable partners. While stronger China-UK ties signal a changing international landscape and the diminishing predominance of the United States, they also open a path for Washington and other Western capitals to boost ties with China.
Brahma Chellaney, Professor, Center for Policy Research
Nov 09, 2015
America needs to fix its Pakistan policy, which permits the Pakistani military to nurture more transnational terrorists. The policy also plays into China’s hands by helping Beijing to cement the Sino-Pakistan nexus. Pakistan is an asset for China to keep India boxed in, but a burden for America’s geostrategic interests.
Ted Galen Carpenter, Senior Fellow, Randolph Bourne Institute
Nov 04, 2015
On October 27, the U.S. Navy sent the guided-missile destroyer USS Lassen on a “freedom of navigation” patrol within 12-miles of a man-made the Spratly chain. Carpenter argues that there are less confrontational ways to pursue that objective without the kind of “in your face” challenge.
Feng Zhongping, Director, Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Nov 03, 2015
The embrace between London and Washington is political, while the London-Beijing connection is economic, which means both can operate at once. That China and the UK, with divergent political systems and at different stages of development, could model their relations on the basis of mutual respect and win-win cooperation should be a source of inspiration for Sino-US relations.
Colin Moreshead, Freelance Writer
Nov 03, 2015
The remainder of the U.S. election season could play out any number of ways, but it appears a safe bet that Beijing will be spared the vitriol it witnessed in recent American political contests, perhaps the result of a cooling Chinese economy or meaningful advances in the bilateral relationship under presidents Obama and Xi.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Nov 02, 2015
China, a developing country, will faithfully fulfill its due obligations as a responsible country, in light of its own financial strength and based on fair and equitable scale of assessment, but will not accept a figure based on its “potential” as the world’s second-largest economy. The budget contribution rules, based on per-capita GDP, must be applied fairly to all countries according to existing rules.
Yan Xuetong, Distinguished Professor, Tsinghua University
Oct 29, 2015
By re-engaging with its neighbors, especially American allies, in a formal alliance system, China would set up the function of preventative cooperation. That would help to maintain regional peace and security.
Zha Daojiong, Professor, Peking University
Oct 28, 2015
Since the first China-Asean official dialogue in July 1991, when then foreign minister Qian Qichen attended the 24th Asean Post-Ministerial Conference as a consultative partner, the relationship between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has grown into a multilayered web of ties.