Ma Xiaoye, Board Member and Founding Director, Academy for World Watch
May 10, 2020
China and the United States may find it difficult to get back to the level of relations they’ve had in the past, but they cannot get far on an irrational path.
Patrick Mendis, Visiting Professor of Global Affairs, National Chengchi University
Dominique Reichenbach, an American David Boren scholar
May 08, 2020
China has used the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to invest in and bolster diplomatic relations with a number of countries. The American counter strategy pales in comparison, opening the door for a more powerful China in the post-Covid world order.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
May 08, 2020
Leadership – the ability to help people frame and achieve their goals – is absolutely crucial during a crisis. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill demonstrated this in 1940, as did Nelson Mandela during South Africa’s transition from apartheid.
Cui Tiankai, China’s ambassador to the United States
May 07, 2020
The "always blame China" mentality hurts global response to COVID-19.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
May 05, 2020
U.S.-China relations have deteriorated gradually under Trump’s hawkish China administration and with the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 presidential election may worsen relations further if candidates continue seeing China attacks as an easy electoral strategy.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
May 05, 2020
The short answer is probably not. The coronavirus pandemic has led to a state of mutual suspicion and open rivalry that is going to complicate the future. Beijing and Washington should speak more discreetly to one another to prevent an outbreak of hostility.
Huang Jing, University Professor at Shanghai International Studies University
May 05, 2020
Sharing details of China’s success against the pandemic is an effective response to the reckless and morally bankrupt claim that the country is responsible for the global spread of the coronavirus.
Mel Gurtov, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Portland State University
May 04, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be another obstacle in the Trump-era US-China relationship, and throws into uncertainty, once again, whether the future will make the two competitors friend or foe.
May 04, 2020
The Trump administration's rhetoric is becoming increasingly antagonistic towards China.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
May 04, 2020
A CDC publication’s cover featuring bats in a piece of Chinese art is yet another attempt by the Trump Administration to distract the public from the inefficiency of its handling of the coronavirus and instead blame China.