Yi Xianrong, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Sep 18, 2013
As recent reports suggest the Renminbi yuan is going through its most active role in the global trading market in history, Yi Xianrong advises against overestimating what this means for the yuan’s globalization. Yi suggests accelerating the pace at which the yuan is open to the outside world and establishing an effective exchange-rate pricing mechanism before globalization can be discussed.
Jonathan Holslag, Professor of International Politics, Free University Brussels
Sep 16, 2013
China’s Central Committee will gather later this year for a session that will shape the outlook of the global economy. Despite hopes that China will announce a rebalancing strategy, Jonathan Holslag believes Beijing will continue its high export policies.
Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Sep 14, 2013
Commenting on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Chen Xiangyang explains the significance of Xi’s remarks highlighting the need for cooperation to ensure stable economic growth across the globe, rather than focusing on the economic crises facing rising and falling powers.
Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Int'l & Strategic Studies, CIIS
Sep 14, 2013
There is inevitable concern that the Chinese Silk Road plan will not be compatible with the US one, and there will be increasing competition between China and the US in Central Asia, writes Su Xiaohui.
Liu Mingkang, Ex-chairman, China Banking Regulatory Commission
Sep 12, 2013
With the Fed publicly considering an end to its massive, open-ended purchases of long-term securities and foreign capital fleeing home from emerging markets, many fear that Asia’s economies could come crashing down, as they did in the late 1990’s, writes Liu Mingkang.
Ding Yifan, China Forum Expert and Deputy Director of China Development Research Center
Sep 11, 2013
Detroit's decline demonstrates what happens when laws of economic and social development are broken, writes Ding Yifan. It is a lesson that China should learn to accomplish its economic restructuring without repeating Detroit's mistakes.
Liu Jiangyong, Vice Director, Tsinghua University
Sep 11, 2013
Following a meeting of the world’s top leaders at the G-20 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, Liu Jiangyong examines Japan’s relations between China and the Republic of Korea and notes that several factors contribute to the historical departure Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s current administration has taken compared to previous administrations.
Walker Rowe, Publisher, Southern Pacific Review
Sep 10, 2013
China’s economic slowdown has emerging economies around the world concerned that slowing growth will impact trade and investment. Specifically, many Latin American markets worry they will be negatively impacted by a decrease in exports to China.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Sep 10, 2013
Both the US and China, as the world two largest economies and members of G20, share a strong responsibility in supporting the common goal of establishing a job-rich, strong, sustainable and balanced growth path, writes He Weiwen.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Sep 06, 2013
Following China and Kenya’s $5 billion trade deal, Robert I. Rotberg explores how the investment moves beyond traditional infrastructure development and increases Chinese soft power abroad with a focus on halting the illegal ivory trade.