Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Oct 14, 2013
After two decades of on-and-off talks, Washington and Brussels hope to conclude their trade and investment partnership. However, it is not a marriage, but a triangle drama. Emerging Asia is the third party.
Walker Rowe, Publisher, Southern Pacific Review
Oct 11, 2013
The on-going recession in Europe and the United States led China to avert their eyes towards new places for investment. Walker Rowe discusses the growing Chinese investments in Chile and other South American regions and explains why Latin America is the promising market for Chinese investors.
Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School
Oct 10, 2013
With trade between China and Africa worth nearly $166 billion last year, it is no wonder investments from and exports to China are at an all time high. However, as South African President Jacob Zuma subtly noted last month in Beijing at the tri-annual China-Africa Forum, Africa desperately needs a transfer of technology from China too.
Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer
Oct 09, 2013
How will Nicolás Maduro’s leadership impact China’s evolving relationship with Venezuela? Fernando Menéndez warns that the state of Venezuela’s economy and political stability is in jeopardy, putting China’s strong ties and investments in the country at risk.
Oct 03, 2013
Ronald H. Coase, the father of "new institutional economics" who died recently at age 102, will be missed in developing countries like China. His insights into the role of firms, financial institutions, and the state in shaping markets and supporting economic growth will prove crucial as China works to achieve high-income status.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Sep 27, 2013
The Shanghai Free Trade Zone is another strategic move in China’s latest round of boosting opening with further reform, writes Zhang Monan.
Michael Justin Lee, Lecturer, University of Maryland
Sep 24, 2013
On July 18, 2013, Detroit became the largest United States city to file for bankruptcy. Following news of the Motor City’s financial problems, Michael Justin Lee offers a Chinese model to help resurrect the once bustling manufacturing center.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Sep 23, 2013
Zhang Monan writes that China’s new round of reform will bring dividends generated by activated domestic consumption, institutional reform and a new round of globalization.
Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Sep 18, 2013
Years of mounting cash deficits and long-term debts have led one of America’s greatest cities to ruin. Today, as the City of Detroit seeks to dig itself out of bankruptcy, Detroit native Tom Watkins encourages China to take a good look at the result of poor city management.
Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group
Sep 18, 2013
As the proposed free trade zone is about to take off in Shanghai, the megacity’s growth will accelerate, China’s financial reforms will speed up and the competitive impact will be felt in Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as in New York City and London.