Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Feb 25, 2015
The renminbi has appreciated sharply over the past several years, exports are sagging, and the risk of deflation is growing. Under these circumstances, many suggest that a reversal in Chinese currency policy to weaken the renminbi is the most logical course. That would be a serious mistake.
Yi Xianrong, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Feb 16, 2015
European quantitative easing policy lead to the depreciation of the RMB exchange rate, but this depreciation is being carefully and intentionally observed by China’s central bank to observe the actual impact on the Chinese economy. A more flexible and internationalized RMB will be better to guard against depreciation.
Vasilis Trigkas, Visiting Assistant Professor, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University
Feb 12, 2015
A Greek exit from the EU would lead to increased instability in Europe. Yet, it may present opportunity for China, the U.S. EU, and IMF to engage together in a summit to safeguard the stability of the Eurozone and shape a global norm on tax evasion and tax heavens that have adversely affected insolvent states like Greece.
Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE
Feb 04, 2015
China’s “new normal” economic development is necessary to achieve more valuable GDP growth at a more reasonable speed and sustainability. Key components of these reforms will be decreased growth, higher-level manufacturing, narrowing of rural and urban wealth, capital exports, a consumer middle-class, and new small businesses.
Minxin Pei, Tom and Margot Pritzker ’72 Professor of Government , Claremont McKenna College
Feb 02, 2015
China’s economic slowdown fueled by a real estate bubble, excessive debt, and manufacturing overcapacity could benefit from a change of structure. China’s service sector is now a greater percent of its economy than manufacturing and construction sectors, and with some additional government spending on social services, the economy could see long-term growth.
Michal Meidan, Director, China Matters
Jan 28, 2015
Falling oil prices present challenges for the competitiveness of China’s own oil and gas sectors, and while providing short-term benefits for production, poses additional deflationary risks. However, there are opportunities for Beijing to support oil companies in acquisitions, and further its own reserves.
Yi Xianrong, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Jan 28, 2015
China’s central bank will maintain a neutral stance in 2015, in order to stabilize the stock market and provide support to the economy, writes Yi Xianrong.
Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
Jan 27, 2015
The last months have witnessed oil prices at global markets dropping by more than 50%, the primary reasons being due to Saudi Arabia’s political protectionism over oil prices. Jin Liangxiang contends that beyond purely economic factors, Saudi Arabia actually intends to express its discontent and frustration, especially with Iran.
Lawrence Lau, Ralph and Claire Landau Professor of Economics, CUHK
Jan 26, 2015
Approximately a year ago, a study, U.S.-China Economic Relations in the Next Ten Years, was published by the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation. The study makes a n
Min Ye, Assistant Professor, The Pardee School of Global Studies
Jan 23, 2015
As policymakers and pundits are excited about increased openness to American investments in China in the future, social and political tensions that grew with America’s investments in China in the past fifteen years, however, are little noted, and especially not recognized is the role that China’s diaspora played in FDI.