Fernando Menéndez
Economist and China-Latin America observer
Jan 25, 2014
Is China engaging in a modern day version of dollar diplomacy? As Fernando Menéndez explains, China’s use of political and economic influence mirrors the previous intervention of the United States in Central America and the Caribbean.
Dec 19, 2013
As inward FDI in Latin America and the Caribbean reached an all time high in 2011 with total inflows of $153 billion in 2011, China continues to increase its investments in the region. Fernando Menéndez explains that rather than focusing on increased competition, the US and China should collaborate so both nations may benefit from the region’s booming economies.
Oct 09, 2013
How will Nicolás Maduro’s leadership impact China’s evolving relationship with Venezuela? Fernando Menéndez warns that the state of Venezuela’s economy and political stability is in jeopardy, putting China’s strong ties and investments in the country at risk.
Sep 07, 2013
Will China’s economic slowdown have a negative impact on Latin America’s emerging markets? Fernando Menéndez explores how infrastructure development and regional trade could allow for diversification in Latin America and why China would be a prime beneficiary of the expansion.
Jul 31, 2013
Responding to The Economist’s editorial, “The Great Deceleration,” Fernando Menéndez calls for an end to “the tired old muddle of warmed-over Keynesian” analysis; instead, encouraging a more sophisticated approach with a new perspective to analyze emerging economies.
Jul 05, 2013
Once neglected by the international community, Central America has increasingly gained importance as a transit hub. As the United States and China search for faster, more cost effective ways to transport goods, the area is seeing an influx in canal development. As Fernando Menéndez explains, the development and expansion in this region will have a large impact on international trade.
May 28, 2013
While the U.S. pivot to Asia’s impact on Sino-U.S. relations receives widespread attention, a significant risk to bilateral relations can be seen through China’s interventions in Latin America. As Fernando Menéndez explains, China is creating a counterbalance to U.S. actions in the Asia-Pacific by heavily investing in countries like Brazil and Venezuela.