Fernando Menéndez
Economist and China-Latin America observer
Aug 24, 2017
Not possessing so much as an aircraft carrier, it was long believed that China had no intention and, more importantly, no capacity for projecting power abroad. As China becomes a global player, it is logical that Chinese military capacity be expanded to meet its obligations and interests abroad. China has already used its naval forces to protect economic interests in Africa and the Middle East.
Jun 28, 2017
The value of Cuba’s tourist industry has always been measured against the eventual opening of relations with the United States as well as the potentially large market created by U.S. travelers and trade. Any direct investment in Cuba has always been tempered by this reality, foreign investors such as China will now have to calculate whether to partner with state–owned enterprises or find other means.
May 05, 2017
The build-up of a large militia in Venezuela, facing no external military aggression, underscores a regime prepared to escalate violence against its own people. China, has provided generous credits, loans, and investments in an amount estimated at upwards of $60 billion, and will likely write off its loses, but more importantly may have to avoid being dragged down into a humanitarian crisis comparable to Syria or a political miasma as cancerous as North Korea, unless the leaders in Caracas change course.
Feb 13, 2017
China is prepared to expand its presence in the Western hemisphere should the new U.S. president’s protectionist nationalism turn from campaign rhetoric into political reality. It may be premature to cite China as the “defender of free trade,” yet if Mr. Trump pursues a protectionist trade policy, and American consumers feel the rising prices on automobiles, televisions and thousands of other goods produced at cheaper cost abroad, Latin American economies geared for global export markets may look particularly competitive beyond their region.
Oct 07, 2016
The decline in global oil prices means China pays less for its Venezuelan oil, but on the other hand, the situation has made it harder for Venezuela to pay its other debts. The country is having a terrible time acquiring badly-needed foreign imports, such as medicine and food. The fault lies less with China’s loans, credits and investments, but the failure to use such resources in establishing a functioning, and far more dynamic, economy.
Aug 25, 2016
Donald Trump’s nomination as the presumptive GOP candidate has come amid global alarm that the openly protectionist candidate will launch a series of anti-free trade initiatives if elected. However, a trade war with Mexico, and even more so with China, would have catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy.
Mar 15, 2016
In today’s world, events in China, both positive and negative, are affecting nearly every continent. China should grasp the future of Latin America by seriously considering a series of policy shifts that won’t alienate its intentions from cooperation with the U.S.
Nov 10, 2015
Corruption, however, while a persistent illness with a debilitating and self-generating momentum, is not exclusive to China. If truth be told, China’s largesse abroad is also a major source of corruption and fraud, especially when it involves government-to-government transactions where transparency and accountability are absent.
Aug 31, 2015
The downturn of global financial and foreign exchange markets, is causing concerns in the Americas. A Chinese trade and investment focus on the “Pacific Pumas” would be a prudent strategy and help reduce tensions and suspicions between the U.S. and China in the region.
Jun 24, 2015
China and Cuba are longtime economic, military and political allies and last week’s arrival of Chinese General Fan Changlong in Havana caused speculation about their relationship. More serious is Cuba’s public insistence during the negotiations that the United States return the naval base at Guantanamo Bay.