Tung Chee Hwa
Chairman Emeritus, China-United States Exchange Foundation
May 12, 2016
The following is the text of the prepared speech by C.H. Tung, chairman of the China-United States Exchange Foundation, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC on May 11,2016.
Feb 04, 2016
"China is trying to be force for good in the world, not take sides, but just usher people together." Tung Chee Hwa, Chairman of the China-United State Exchange Foundation, speaks with Charlie Rose on China's economy, the country's leadership and its foreign policy objectives.
Jan 29, 2016
With no real threat to America’s position in the world, Beijing and Washington need to intensify their efforts to build trust and promote understanding. The best way to achieve that is to expand exchanges at all levels of society, a process that has been a triumph of diplomacy ever since a famous ping-pong game made headlines in 1970.
Dec 15, 2015
The first Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) C.H. Tung argues that the success of the modern day China is not accidental. While globalization certainly contributed to China’s rapid growth and prosperous development, what Tung describes as "China miracle" is a result of the country’s efforts to ensure a smooth leadership transition, enact sound policies, as well as of the expansion of freedom that liberated the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit of its citizens.
Sep 02, 2012
Mr. Tung Speaks to CNN host Christiane Amanpour on China's leadership transition and recent developments on China Japan conflicts over Diaoyu Islands.
Jun 06, 2012
I am greatly honored to be invited to speak on this auspicious occasion of the inaugural of the Asia Global Dialogue hosted by the Fung Global Institute. My di
Apr 22, 2012
China is my country, and I want her to succeed. The United States was my home for nine years. I have great admiration for the American people. And I believe the US-China relationship is the most important international relationship today.
Feb 14, 2012
I am greatly honored to be invited to speak to you on this auspicious occasion to commemorate the opening of the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre.