Jin Liangxiang
Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
May 23, 2024
China is deeply intertwined with Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries. It is contributing to regional security and will be one of the major sources of the region’s future wealth. And, unlike the West, it will always respect the way of life in the region, including the dominant religion.
Feb 21, 2024
While its name symbolizes the unity of three religions, the Abraham Process is not peaceful by nature. The United States should be aware that no successful process can emerge without a resolution of Palestine question, which is at the core of the regional agenda.
Nov 10, 2023
False images cannot obscure the truth for long. Eventually, the truth comes out for the world to see. The humanitarian disaster in Palestine will not go away until Israel and the United States change their policies and turn the only viable alternative — a two-state solution — into reality.
Jun 21, 2023
Expectations should be kept within reasonable bounds. While China facilitated the diplomatic process between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the momentum fundamentally came from within the region. The successful mediation shows that China correctly understood the aspirations of the region.
Mar 24, 2023
As U.S. influence recedes, China’s role in the region can be expected to grow. It will push for peace, rather than dominate decision-making. China respects the people and will encourage them to be their own masters.
Mar 09, 2023
Israel’s security concerns should be respected, but the U.S. cannot ignore the other side of the story. It should help make peace between Israel and Palestine by restricting Israel’s hard-line approach. If America’s humanitarian concerns are genuine, it should take action.
Feb 01, 2023
The most likely scenario for a degree of success is that Iran stops short of building a weapon. This would pressure the U.S. while keeping strategic risks under control. But prospects for trouble are looming this year. All parties will have to work for the best while preparing for the worst.
Aug 29, 2022
The failure of the U.S. president’s Mideast visit in July can be attributed largely to insensitivity over the legitimate concerns of GCC countries. It’s yet another example of America’s long-standing pattern of pushing for its own agenda at the expense of others’ dignity.
Jun 02, 2022
America wants to back away some, but not entirely, as the region has become an important geopolitical factor. So U.S engagement will be limited. With Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific in play, it cannot afford to add resources to the Arab region.
Mar 22, 2022
Arab countries in particular will play an important role as event in the Russia-Ukraine conflict disrupt economic patterns. They may see an opportunity to regain stature in the international arena.