Franz-Stefan Gady
Associate Editor, Diplomat
Dec 08, 2014
The first state sponsored World Internet Conference was recently held in Wuzhen, China. Its main goal was to reinforce the idea of Internet sovereignty for individual nations, which has been decried by the U.S. as a veiled attempt to impose China’s state-centric approach to Internet governance to the wider world.
Nov 19, 2014
Despite being one of the most pressing Sino-US issues, cybersecurity has received scarce attention during meetings between China and the United States at this year’s APEC Summit. Franz-Stefan Gady questions the effectiveness a U.S. “name and shame” strategy, amid efforts to expand ASEAN member states’ cyber defense capabilities.
Nov 12, 2014
Japan and the US are revising defense guidelines for the first time since 1997, and though not explicit, China’s sovereignty claims are the cause. Yet both Japan and China are making slight efforts to defuse escalation and reemphasize communication.
Nov 04, 2014
As President Barack Obama prepares to travel to Beijing this month to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, the unresolved issue of cybersecurity continues to affect bilateral relations and increase tensions between the two nations.
Oct 21, 2014
Does Tokyo’s military buildup have something to do with the recent thaw in relations between China and Japan? Franz-Stefan Gady explores the recent tensions between the two nations and analyzes the changes being made to Japanese defense forces since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has taken power.
Sep 30, 2014
China will not give up its free-rider strategy in dealing with international violent extremism anytime soon. However, the People’s Republic may use the US-led campaign against the Islamic terror group ISIS as a pretext to more aggressively crack down on Uyghur separatism in Xinjiang province.
Jun 23, 2014
As the People’s Liberation Army Navy prepares to join Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC), the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise, Franz-Stefan Gady analyzes China’s current tensions with the United States and its recent naval exercise with Russia to predict the future of military-to-military relations.
May 28, 2014
The recent spate of high-profile attacks against Chinese citizens at train stations shows a genuine and ongoing security problem that China must address more aggressively.
May 24, 2014
Despite recent steps by the Pentagon to build trust between the Chinese and U.S. militaries, the indictment of Chinese military personnel for alleged cyber-espionage has undoubtedly affected bilateral relations between the two nations. Without an entirely accurate view of Sino-US cyber competition, escalatory reactions, like the suspension of the China-U.S. Working Group, are bound to continue.
May 03, 2014
In light of recent NSA leaks and increasing tensions between China and the US regarding cyberspace, the United States has taken a more direct approach in outlining or even disarming some of their cyber capabilities. Ultimately, US officials hope that these measures will assuage China’s fears, as well as entice them to reveal their capabilities to create a stable cyber-space.