He Yafei
Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sep 14, 2018
The West is declining and China is rising, and the Chinese model is an example to developing countries all over the world, but unlike the West, China is peaceful and benevolent and does not need to boast.
Aug 28, 2018
There are dangerous signs from the U.S. to undermine the “One China” policy, says He Yafei. For the past 40 years, the two countries have managed the Taiwan issue well, but things are changing.
Aug 28, 2018
He Yafei argues that it is still true that China and the U.S. have more common grounds than differences. China continues to desire for a secure and stable world order.
Aug 28, 2018
Given the U.S. has identified China as a main rivalry, the two nations can still cooperate. But it is unrealistic to expect China to make concessions and “take a hit.”
Aug 28, 2018
The relationship with the U.S. has been an important factor for China’s success in the last 40 years in its reform and opening-up effort to integrate into the global system.
Aug 24, 2018
For forty years, China and the U.S. maintained relations that despite disagreements, were marked more by cooperation than friction – a strategy of cooperation that survived eight U.S. presidents. Though there were vicissitudes and various crises during each presidency, China and the U.S.’ relationship as “cooperating rivals” had not seen fundamental changes, until recently.
Jul 03, 2018
Cold War benefits no one.
May 17, 2018
Hopefully the region will move towards peace and cooperation.
Apr 23, 2018
The US has to come to grips with the changed balance of power and accept the coming of a “new era” in international relations and global governance.
Mar 19, 2018
The world is not totally dark and the forces of free trade and globalization remain strong. China stands firm and holds the banner of free trade high.