Aug 01, 2018
International companies are starting to cut down their operations in China.
Nov 22, 2017
Along with the latest gizmos and gadgets, China might soon export a Broadway show.Earlier this month, Shanghai Heng Yuan Xiang Drama Development Company, a Chin
Jun 18, 2015
This quotation, written by Chas Freeman–along with Henry Kissinger, perhaps America’s most successful and respected diplomat-scholar on the U.S.-China relatio
Jun 16, 2015
The Silk Road is one of the world’s most powerful brands, perhaps even bigger than Disney or Coca-Cola KO -0.8%. In my conversations across the region, whether
Jun 05, 2015
The absence of a realistic United States military/security strategy toward Asia–which is to say, toward China–and the folly of Obama and Hillary Clinton’s As
May 02, 2015
The rapid rise of China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) should be a wakeup call for the United States, and requires a well thought out response.
Apr 24, 2015
For weeks it was a topic of anxious speculation, nervousness, indeed, geopolitical suspense. Would Chinese president Xi Jinping meet Japanese prime minister Abe
Apr 23, 2015
Has the American foreign policy establishment and the Obama administration “lost it,” becoming completely irrational if not delusional when it comes to China?
Apr 02, 2015
It is very worrying for the world that American policy makers should be capable of making such outrageous errors, scoring own-goals, as the decision to play pok