Apr 30, 2020
China is neither the former Soviet Union, nor intent on becoming the next America.
Shen Dingli, Professor, Institute of International Studies, Fudan University
Apr 29, 2020
America’s credibility is undermined when its chief diplomat makes harsh claims without evidence. He should either disclose his sources or wait for the UN investigation.
Nie Wenjuan, Deputy Director of Institute of International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University
Apr 29, 2020
An ideological competition has sprung from pandemic, and the space for the two sides to compromise and collaborate has narrowed rapidly. The two countries appear to be entering a lose-lose war in which the entire international community will suffer.
Jin Liangxiang, Senior Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Int'l Studies
Apr 27, 2020
The United States has shown leadership in virtually every global crisis — that is, until Donald Trump came along. Now the U.S. president is singlehandedly destroying his country’s reputation.
Zhu Feng, Director, Institute of International Studies, Nanjing University
Apr 21, 2020
China and the United States managed to forge a complementary relationship since 1979, despite their disagreement about the best model of government. They need to return to the pragmatism of the past.
Zheng Guichu, Observer of Current International Affairs
Apr 20, 2020
The pandemic reminds us that mankind is a community with a shared future and that all rise and fall together. Faced with defamation, smears and attacks, China has chosen to respond with dignity, reason and discipline.
Experts give their recommendations about how to move forward in the fight against COVID-19. Step 1: China and the United States should shelve their disputes and lead global cooperation.
George Koo, Retired International Business Consultant and Contributor to Asia Times
Apr 17, 2020
A confrontational approach will not work and the world's two biggest economies should join forces.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Apr 16, 2020
The coronavirus demonstrates the need for broader cooperation between China and the U.S. Now is not the time to decouple the bilateral relationship.
Richard Javad Heydarian, Professorial Chairholder in Geopolitics, Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Apr 15, 2020
At a time when countries all over the world face the onslaught of a rapidly mounting health crisis, one thing is clear: Sino-American and Asian-regional cooperation is paramount.