Yin Chengde, Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies
Feb 13, 2017
The new president’s rhetoric on China doesn’t reflect the realities of the beneficial relationship that has been cultivated for more than 40 years. A Trump shift to a practical policy on China, so as to maintain a steady growth momentum of Sino-US relations, would not only be a blessing to China and United States, but also a blessing to the world.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
Feb 09, 2017
Conflict often results during power transitions. The U.S. should learn from Great Britain’s policy toward the rabidly nationalistic rising giant on the North American continent. After fighting two wars with its one-time colonists, Britain wisely chose peace.
Su Xiaohui, Deputy Director of Int'l & Strategic Studies, CIIS
Feb 09, 2017
While China must prepare worst-case scenarios in the wake of the new president’s rhetoric, Trump has just started his presidency. It is not too late for him to initiate a new and positive stage of the bilateral relationship with China.
Center on US-China Relations, Asia Society,
Feb 09, 2017
No national interest is furthered by abandoning or conditioning this policy (One China Policy) on other issues. To do so would very likely end up increasing Taiwan’s vulnerabilities, destabilizing the Asia-Pacific region, and jeopardizing broad US interests.
Teng Jianqun, Director of the Department of U.S. Studies, China Institute of International Studies
Feb 08, 2017
As the transition process runs its due course, frictions may wax and wane, but China will respond to the evolving situation and adapt to the US political, economic and security policy changes to ensure that bilateral ties remain on an even keel.
Beth Smits, PhD candidate, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University
Feb 06, 2017
In January 2017, China released a document that helps interpret the policy goals of President Xi Jinping, particularly his speech in May 2014 where he promoted, “New Asian security concept for new progress in security cooperation.” The Trump administration should take note of three points in the new document: China’s country relations, the South China Sea, and the conspicuous absence of certain information, as each will have a critical role in U.S.-China relations.
Ben Reynolds, Writer and Foreign Policy Analyst in New York
Feb 07, 2017
Trump’s nomination of Rex Tillerson has been criticized due to Tillerson’s amateurish understanding of U.S.-China relations, but other changes by the Trump administration present the major benefits and risks for China. While the administration’s closer ties with Russia and incentives to distract from domestic failure may pose a threat to China, the Chinese government has the opportunity to present itself as the more stable guardian of regional security.
Matt Ferchen, Nonresident Scholar, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy
Feb 07, 2017
Even before the election of Donald Trump or Xi Jinping’s debut at the World Economic Forum in Davos, two mutually contradictory frameworks for understanding China’s international economic and geopolitical influence, one emanating from increasingly hawkish U.S. pundits and the other from China’s top leaders, had taken shape. However, by recognizing and even embracing the complexity of China’s domestic and international political economy, new opportunities for productive engagement may replace growing strategic competition.
Dean P. Chen, Associate Professor of Political Science, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Feb 06, 2017
The inauguration of President Donald J. Trump on January 20, 2017 suggests that U.S. foreign policy is moving away from the Wilsonian liberal internationalism, which has guided American foreign policymaking since the end of World War II, toward the “America-first” Jacksonian populism.
Barbara Hackman Franklin, 29th U.S. Secretary of Commerce, President and CEO of Barbara Franklin Enterprises
Feb 03, 2017
A trade war, such as some are predicting, harms both countries, creates uncertainty for many other countries, and is an activity that does not belong anywhere in the interconnected global world of the 21st century. I believe this will be averted. Instead, I truly believe the two presidents are pragmatic and understanding of the stakes involved, and will start a communication and negotiation process that results in wins for both countries.