Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
May 29, 2019
US overreach in the ongoing trade talks has resulted in the failure to reach an agreement. Not only has the US bullied China on the bilateral trade deficit in commodities (based on President Trump’s irrational economic views), but it has overlooked the real harms that tariffs will do to US firms and consumers.
Tian Feilong, Associate Professor, the Law School of Beihang University
May 28, 2019
The China-US trade war has turned into a “tech war,” with the US aiming to block Huawei from building global 5G networks. Proposals from the recent Prague conference reflect US efforts to reassert its tech dominance by getting allies to follow its lead. But with Trump’s “America First” attitude undermining the moral basis of American leadership, and US innovation lagging, protectionist bullying will not provide a firm foundation for hegemony.
He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences
May 28, 2019
A senior U.S. State Department official’s inflammatory comments about a “Clash of Civilizations” reignited debate about how to view history and differing cultures. The Conference on Asian Civilizations Dialogue, hosted in Beijing this May, offered a more level-headed and equitable path to understand civilizational differences.
May 28, 2019
The escalation of trade tension between China and the U.S. increase downside risks for both China and the U.S., it will create a lot of uncertainty, said Zhu Haibin, Chief China Economist and Head of China Equity Strategy of J.P. Morgan.
Donald J. Trump, US President
May 27, 2019
“They would like to make a deal. We’re not ready to make a deal.”
May 27, 2019
China would like to make a deal, U.S. president says in Japan. Tariffs on Chinese goods could go up ‘very easily,’ he says
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
May 27, 2019
Trump’s attacks on Huawei open the door to the long-term “decoupling” of Chinese and US cyberspace. Will this separation of the two countries’ tech industries achieve US goals? Or will it introduce political meddling into the previously free and open environmental of innovation in America’s digital economy, while reducing global trust in US tech giants?
May 27, 2019
Andy Purdy, chief security officer of Huawei Technologies USA, talked about 5G, U.S. efforts to persuade other nations to not use Huawei equipment, and allegations that the company would be used to spy on Americans.
May 27, 2019
Originally billed as "short-term pain," the US-China trade war unfolds into long-term troubles.
May 27, 2019
The United States has called on China to curb the development of its state-owned enterprises (SOEs), a demand that China sees as an “invasion” on its economic sovereignty, Chinese state news agency Xinhua said on Saturday.