Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Oct 07, 2021
China’s recent achievements in space exploration are starkly contrasted with privately led efforts at the center of American aerospace development, and highlight how the two nations remain on separate tracks in the field of science.
Eric Harwit, Professor, University of Hawaii Asian Studies Program
Oct 02, 2021
Though America and China’s governments see eye-to-eye on very little these days, cooperation in the scientific fields is possible and has been happening quietly for some time.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Jul 13, 2021
Space exploration was once a militarized battleground - but with new practices of international cooperation, the atmosphere may be the common ground for the U.S. and China.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Jun 10, 2021
China’s recent space ventures and the subsequent Western coverage reveal much about the way news and media play into animosity between two nations.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Jan 12, 2021
China’s historic moon landing is the first of its kind in over 44 years— yet it’s a victory that won’t be shared in full due to frosty relationships between China and the leading space-power: the United States.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Dec 26, 2020
China is investing heavily in space technology while the US’s program seems to grow more stagnant. If China continues on their current trajectory, they could replace the US as the world’s leading space power.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Oct 28, 2020
At a time when political tensions reach more dire straits seemingly by the day, the history of scientific cooperation in the field of astronomy have shown that above all, all people share a single home as citizens of Earth.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Jul 31, 2020
In the midst of a devastating pandemic, China’s ambitious space mission to Mars follows in the footsteps of Isaac Newton’s mid-plague scientific explorations.
Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar
Aug 30, 2019
As the idea of militarization of space technology becomes more and more desirable to nations around the world, two new contenders, China and India, have entered the space race. The world must tread lightly and remain focused on exploration rather than warfare.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Jan 29, 2019
The fifty-year history of space cooperation offers a more optimistic contrast to the China-US competition back on Earth.