Yuan Zheng, Researcher, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Nov 12, 2012
Sino-US relations need to be better managed to control differences and promote greater trust for their smooth development. It is expect that after the US presidential election and the leadership transition in China both sides will expand their common interests, rationally view and control existing differences, and make further efforts to promote the benign development of Sino-US relations.
George Koo, Retired International Business Consultant and Contributor to Asia Times
Nov 08, 2012
It’s time the US reexamine the concept of strategic ambiguity in dealing with China. It simply has not worked. Both the US and China can better deploy their energy on other issues rather than managing the ups and downs of the bilateral relationship.
Yuan Peng, Vice President, Chinese Institute of Contemporary International Relations
Aug 08, 2012
Despite a chaotic and often pessimistic international and peripheral strategic environment for China, there are still potential positive opportunities available. China must refrain from rash, ill-advised reactions to a rapidly changing world and focus on a thoughtful international policy both near and abroad.
Christopher R. Hill, Former US Assistant Secertary of State
Apr 01, 2012
Realists tend to view the American 'pivot' back to the Asia Pacific as a move reminiscent of a cold war-style structural rebalancing of power. That's not the case, according to Christopher R. Hill, former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
Banning Garrett, Director of Asia Program, Atlantic Council
Jan 20, 2012
The global issues plaguing the 21st century cannot be resolved effectively without greater cooperation from China and the US, says Banning Garrett of the Atlantic Council.