Stephen Nagy, Professor, Department of Politics and International Studies at the International Christian University
Mar 08, 2019
The case involving Meng Wanzhou’s extradition to the U.S. illustrates the precariousness that U.S. allies must face when balancing their relations with the U.S. and China.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Mar 07, 2019
A technological cold-war seems to have arisen alongside the China-US trade war, but this may not be a sustainable long-term strategy. If this continues, wagers of the tech cold war can expect to face consequences.
Oct 08, 2018
Apple found no evidence for the main points in the recent Bloomberg report that alleged malicious activities from China.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Jun 19, 2018
The key characteristic of the current revolution is not the speed of communications; instantaneous communication by telegraph dates back to the mid-nineteenth century. The crucial change is the enormous reduction in the cost of transmitting and storing information. If the price of an automobile had declined as rapidly as the price of computing power, one could buy a car today for the same price as a cheap lunch.
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
May 18, 2018
Substantial political controls over Chinese businesses may prove incompatible with a creative, innovative economy.
Apr 17, 2018
Trade representative’s complaint under consideration would target such services as cloud computing.
Eric Harwit, Professor, University of Hawaii Asian Studies Program
Apr 04, 2018
If Chinese companies succeed in designing and deploying key technologies for 5G systems, they may reap a whirlwind of profits from not only the communications arena, but from a multitude of new technologies. Should China win the race for 5G, companies from the PRC could cut into the profits of American technology firms, and weaken their ability to develop cutting-edge products in related fields.
Josephine Wolff, Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Mar 16, 2018
Companies around the world are already racing to develop the necessary 5G network technology, leading to new technological tensions between the U.S. and China. Given the continued demand for high-speed wireless connectivity and mobile devices, there’s a lot at stake for the companies that get 5G technology right and ultimately end up driving its deployment.
Josephine Wolff, Assistant Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology
Feb 06, 2018
China and the U.S. are two of the only nations in the world with sufficiently strong, stable domestic tech sectors that they can afford to block major overseas competitors without fear of significantly undercutting the services available to their own citizens. But if the Chinese government has been willing to let at least some foreign firms compete with its domestic champions in the tech sector, it’s not clear that the same is true of the U.S. government.
Jan 17, 2018
Google has quietly opened a third office in China, highlighting its growing hardware and ad businesses in the country even as the US tech company’s signature search engine remains blocked there.