Paul Keating, Former Prime minister, Australia
Nov 11, 2014
Asia's hitherto stable and peaceful strategic order faces pressure from the extraordinarily rapid shift in the distribution of wealth and power driven by Asia's, and especially China's, economic growth.
Oct 31, 2014
On October 24, 21 Asian nations signed a memorandum to form a new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, to be drawn on considerable Chinese funds. Behind the sc
Oct 20, 2014
Let us take it as a given that the post-1945 world order with the United States as dominant nation has begun to unravel, that China is rising to inherit the earth, that the unease of our times has much to do with that difficult transition
Fu Ying, Founding Chair of Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University; China's former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Oct 20, 2014
"Is China going to compete for world power?" Most people in China, if asked such a question, would show little interest in seeing the country fighting for world power with the U.S., and still less in becoming another U.S.
Gal Luft, Co-Director, Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
Jul 25, 2014
A number of lessons from World War I carry great importance for China’s future as it becomes a global power, writes Gal Luft.
Ma Shikun, Senior Journalist, the People’s Daily
May 13, 2014
One of the largest impediments to stable US-China relations is the strongly held view of China as a growing and aggressive world power, known more formally as the “China Threat Theory.” This theory is based off of faulty assumptions and will have a negative impact on creating positive US-China relations in the future.
Zhai Kun, Professor at School of International Studies; Deputy Director of Institute of Area Studies, Peking University
Mar 25, 2014
In order to fully understand the future direction of China’s foreign policy, Zhai Kun analyzes six new concepts put forth by President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, commonly known as the “Xi Jinping Doctrine.”
Fu Ying, Founding Chair of Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University; China's former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Feb 01, 2014
Fu Ying, Member of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People's Congress of China, talks to China-US Focus on some of the issues raised during the Munich Security Conference.