Christopher A. McNally, Professor of Political Economy, Chaminade University
Feb 14, 2018
There are only two major pathways open: a continuation of relatively minor actions on both sides that nonetheless could spiral into a tit-for-tat trade war that no one wanted; or then a concerted effort on both sides to engage in negotiations.
Feb 13, 2018
China will oppose any “unfair and unreasonable” trade measures by countries such as the United States against its steel companies, a Chinese government think-tank said on Tuesday, arguing protectionism will “poison” the industry.
Feb 13, 2018
For now Beijing keen to avoid escalation mindful of the pain it could cause consumers.
Feb 09, 2018
State Councilor Yang Jiechi said that the two countries can address trade disputes through opening of markets and cooperation.
Lu Chen, Consultant, United Nations
Feb 08, 2018
If effective policy measures can't be taken to contain it, the risks to the world economy caused by the escalation of protectionism could severely disturb the world in 2018.
Christopher Balding, Associate Professor of Business and Economics, HSBC Business School in Shenzhen
Feb 06, 2018
Despite the high profile rejection of the MoneyGram acquisition, Beijing’s limits on capital controls have demonstrably killed more deals than U.S. national security concerns. Though China’s concern is understandable, it simply does not hold up to factual scrutiny that Beijing is targeted any more than other countries.
Feb 05, 2018
Move follows Trump administration decision to put tariffs on Chinese solar panel imports.
Derek Scissors, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Feb 02, 2018
President Trump’s long-held views and campaign words signify heavy political pressure to shrink the U.S. trade deficit. Additional and unprecedented steps will be taken in 2018, primarily directed at China. But the trade deficit, especially the bilateral Sino-American deficit, may not budge.
Feb 01, 2018
U.S. farmers are worried that trade spats with key export markets in China, Mexico and Canada could hurt a lucrative part of their pork business.
Jan 31, 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday to protect American intellectual property, but made no mention of China, which his administration has accused of trade abuses, in his first State of the Union speech to Congress.