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China-Africa Relations
  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    May 07, 2014

    As Chinese Premier Li Keqiang continues his first tour of four key African nations since rising to the post last year, Robert I. Rotberg analyzes China’s investment in the region and answers the pivotal question: Is Premier Li Keqiang’s visit about more than just oil deals between China and Africa?

  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    Apr 04, 2014

    Could China’s slowing growth rattle African economies and, in turn, impact American and European markets? As Robert Rotberg explains, African nations depend upon Chinese investment for continued growth and stability. However, with the United States and European Union still suffering from an economic downturn, China’s slowdown could have a domino effect that exerts further pressure on Africa.

  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    Mar 15, 2014

    Last year, trade between China and Africa hit a record high of $200 billion with a 44% increase in Chinese direct investment to the continent. While United States trade with the continent pales in comparison, amounting to less than $100 billion in trade annually, Sino-African trade is expected to increase as the Chinese economy and Africa’s development become further intertwined.

  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    Feb 15, 2014

    The recent agreement to declare the yuan a legal currency in Zimbabwe and for the construction of Chinese solar plants in the country has been viewed with skepticism by many. However, Robert Rotberg explains why China’s focus on the embattled country is beneficial for Sub-Saharan Africa and the global economy.

  • He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences

    Jan 29, 2014

    Ending the crisis in South Sudan will not only enhance benefits for Chinese economic interests, but will also be crucial for defending the US diplomatic reputation and strategic purpose in the region, writes He Wenping.

  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    Jan 24, 2014

    The international community has praised China’s recent destruction of confiscated ivory as an important step towards reducing poaching in Africa. Robert Rotberg writes that China’s actions can spur further international cooperation and become a leader in anti-poaching initiatives.

  • He Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Charhar Institute and West Asia and Africa Studies Institute of the China Academy of Social Sciences

    Jan 11, 2014

    In 2013, the continued cooperation of China and African nations has been a boon for the continent by increasing economic development and providing much needed healthcare infrastructure. As He Wenping explains, China’s cooperation with Africa only creates more areas of converging interests between China and the US, boosting bilateral relations.

  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    Nov 26, 2013

    Africa is poised to see an uptick in infrastructure construction following a pledge by China’s Export-Import Bank to invest as much as $1 trillion in financing in the continent over the next decade. As Robert Rotberg explains, the commitment will strengthen China’s partnerships with African nations while developing critical infrastructure in the region.

  • Robert I. Rotberg, Founding Director of Program on Intrastate Conflict, Harvard Kennedy School

    Nov 20, 2013

    Sixteen years after China closed its embassy in São Tomé and Principle, two tiny African islands located in a resource rich area off of the Atlantic Coast of Gabon. Now China hopes to renew relations by bringing promise of modern infrastructure to the island in hope of returning with a stake in potential oil discovery.

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