Sajjad Ashraf, Former Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore
Nov 09, 2022
The rapid decline in understanding between China and the U.S. has sparked concerns over the peaceful transition from one dominant power to the other.
Zhang Tuosheng, Principal Researcher at Grandview Institution, and Academic Committee Member of Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University
Oct 31, 2022
Positive trade mechanisms have emerged. China remains committed to developing its relationship with the U.S. The recent tension over Taiwan was controlled. Such things and others are a basis for optimism, not despair.
Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Jul 29, 2022
NATO’s global hegemony has gone unchallenged since the fall of the USSR decades ago. Now, with China’s rise to global prominence and arguably the second most powerful nation in the world, can NATO avoid another Cold War-style showdown on the global stage?
Zhang Yun, Professor, School of International Relations, Nanjing University
Jul 12, 2022
What has evolved is a sort of pseudo-multilateralism in Europe and Asia. After the Cold War, ASEAN developed into a mature community. But with the increasing hype of regional tensions came the idea that Asia can only be safe when relying on a NATO-like military grouping featuring live ammunition.
Xiao Bin, Deputy Secretary-general, Center for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, Chinese Association of Social Sciences
Jul 12, 2022
The abusive use of alliances in the region will only hurt. Judging from history and current reality, peace will not flower with a China of 1.4 billion people trapped in stagnation, nor will it help to foster hostile interactions with its neighbors.
Peng Nian, Director of Research Centre for Asian Studies, China
Jul 07, 2022
Pacific Island countries can benefit from both China and the United States, so their best choice is to cooperate with both. The new alignment will not disturb friendly relations between China and the islands.
Sajjad Ashraf, Former Adjunct Professor, National University of Singapore
Jul 07, 2022
Is the U.S. ready to meaningfully engage with the Asia-Pacific region? Their latest offering comes in the form of the IPEF, and the differences between the U.S.-led trade pact and competing ones led by Asian powers will show whether American leadership has brought enough to the table.
Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Jun 30, 2022
Competition with the United States has become a catalyst for change in the way China deals with countries in its own neighborhood. A sophisticated approach in Asia will be required as China balances all its interactions.
Yang Wenjing, Research Professor, Institute of American Studies, CICIR
Jun 15, 2022
The Chinese foreign minister’s 10-day trip brought concrete answers that addressed the real needs of Pacific Island countries. But voices in the West continue to emphasize a negative view of China’s intentions — even trying to lock China and the United States into a cold war framework.
Richard Weitz, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Jun 14, 2022
The Biden administration is prioritizing its foreign policy strategy in Asia by extensive outreach and alliances in the region. Strategic partnerships with other countries, particularly in the Indo-Pacific , are crucial for the U.S. to keep up with China’s growth in the region.