Zhao Minghao, Professor, Institute of International Studies at Fudan University, and China Forum Expert
Sep 22, 2023
Judging from a lengthy slate of indicators, discounting China’s position in the world economy over a momentary economic slowdown would be a mistake. Failing to understand China’s recent progress and future ambitions could lead the United States to squander its own long-term advantages.
Joseph S. Nye, Professor, Harvard University
Aug 08, 2022
At this year’s Aspen Security Forum (which I co-chair) in July, China’s ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang, appealed for better understanding of his country. But there was considerable debate among the assembled experts about China’s objectives. President Xi Jinping has announced China’s intention to outpace America in critical technologies such as artificial intelligence and synthetic biology by 2030, and many analysts predict that China’s GDP (measured at market exchange rates) will surpass that of the US early in the next decade. Is China seeking to displace the US as the world’s leading power by the centenary of communist rule in 2049?
Yan Xuetong, Distinguished Professor, Tsinghua University
Dec 28, 2021
Strategic competition between China and the United States should be characterized not as a new cold war but as an uneasy peace. Shooting is not likely to break out, but the two countries will remain in dread of each other in the coming decade.
Jianyin Roachell, Transatlantic Digital Debate Fellow and Research Associate at Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology
Nov 04, 2021
China is on the cutting-edge of information technology, providing consumer electronics and telecommunications equipment to much of the world. Its own digital infrastructure is due for a modest upgrade that will be rolled out by 2023.
Cheng Li, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, The Brookings Institution
Nov 04, 2021
China’s younger generations have seen their country prosper and grow stronger for nearly their entire lives, cultivating a sense of pride and identity unique from their older counterparts. Now, as the United States has begun to openly challenge China’s rise, attitudes toward America are being eroded.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Sep 03, 2021
Washington’s current Afghanistan crisis and domestic political instability present an ideal opportunity for China to accelerate its global and regional ‘grand strategy.’ Is the United States prepared to slow its advance?
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
Jul 22, 2021
Rhetoric at NATO’s recent summit intensified the U.S.-China rivalry in global affairs. Now that the U.S. is in competition with China, will NATO member states follow suit?
Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar
Jul 22, 2021
The narrative on China’s influence is polarizing and provocative - is it based on fact or fiction?
An Gang, Adjunct Fellow, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
Jul 21, 2021
China has had major success in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, which the U.S. and other Western countries are reluctant to admit. It must now remain levelheaded and modest, sustain its victory and keep the elbow room it has obtained in diplomacy and public opinion.
Yu Sui, Professor, China Center for Contemporary World Studies
Jul 13, 2021
At a ceremony marking the centennial of the CPC, China’s top leader reviewed the history of the Party and laid out a course for its journey ahead. The world was listening as he outlined the country’s core philosophy, goals and prospects.