Dean Baker, Co-director, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Mar 07, 2011
The West is guilty of wishful thinking when it excitedly imagines people-powered revolt in the Arab world spreading to China. There is dissatisfaction in China.
Wu Jinglian, Researcher, Development Research Center of State Council
Mar 07, 2011
The recent general consensus in the government, business and academic circles is that the 12th Five-Year Guideline marks a new historic start for China’s econo
Mar 07, 2011
Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan send congratulatory messages on the launch of China-US Focus, a news website that they believe will enhance the bilateral relationship and present new ideas and new solutions for the challenges ahead.
Hu Angang, Director, Tsinghua National Research Center
Mar 06, 2011
China has promulgated five-year plans since 1953 and experienced a fast growth rate of 9.2 percent in the First Five-Year Plan period (1953-57). The plans wer
Cao Li, Professor, CPC Party School
Mar 06, 2011
At the starting year of the 12th Five-Year Guideline, let us look back to the last Five-Year Guideline which was intended to promote institution advancement, sustainable society and so on, and see the challenges we are still facing now.
Mar 06, 2011
The annual “two sessions (liang hui)” -China’s National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conf
Liu Yongtao, Assistant Professor, Fudan University
Mar 06, 2011
Language plays an important role in international relations. Its function is not only for communication, but also for expressing the nuances of policy and strat
Mar 05, 2011
One day, while driving through the suburbs of Los Angeles, my French husband noticed a bumper sticker on a car that read: "My child is a superstar at Kester Ele
Feb 28, 2011
After Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak was toppled on February 11th by domestic protest waves and international pressure led by the United States, Thomas L. Frie
Fred Teng, Senior Media Executive in US
Feb 25, 2011
The recent eruption of protests and violence in Egypt and the resignation of its President, Hosni Mubarak, lead some pundits to predict that the same movement w