Qin Xiaoying, Research Scholar, China Foundation For Int'l and Strategic Studies
Oct 16, 2017
There is hardly any reason for the 19th CCP Congress not to continue following Xi’s ideas, which boil down to the omnipresence of state power.
Xianbo Wu, MA Candidate, New York University
Oct 10, 2017
Most Chinese people recognize that China should take more international responsibilities in proportion to its rapid development, and they are eager to see their homeland gain stronger international standing as a “responsible great power.” However, in reality, they are not prepared for the implications of world governance; among them, the fact that China must make sacrifices and compromises and follow ideas that might contradict the propaganda and education that they have long accepted.
Zhao Jiayu, NYU Graduate Student in International Politics and International Business
Oct 06, 2017
Social stratification, though an innate characteristic of any society, has become severe in both the U.S. and China. However, the sources of social stratification and the institutions that rectify it are different in China and the U.S.
Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong
Xiao Geng, Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sep 29, 2017
Underlying US President Donald Trump’s declarations was a clear message: the sovereign state still reigns supreme, with national interests overshadowing shared objectives. This does not bode well for the Sustainable Development Goals.
Sep 29, 2017
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong co-chaired the inaugural U.S.-China Social and Cultural Dialogue today. The Dialogue under
Sampson Oppedisano, Executive Assistant to the Dean, The Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy
Sep 28, 2017
Recently, the leaders of the world descended upon New York City for the opening of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly. However, despite Trump’s debut speech generating great interest and concern amongst the world and it’s leaders, several notable leaders were absent, namely China’s President Xi Jinping.
Niu Tiehang, Senior Fellow, CCIEE
Sep 28, 2017
Whilst China’s economy may appear to be constrained by labor and capital, there’s a third variable – innovation. By exploiting this variable, and with enlightened leadership from the CCP, China can escape from the trap of declining growth.
Shaun Tan, Writer
Sep 26, 2017
Artificial intelligence presents an existential threat to humanity. As with other existential threats like global warming and weapons of mass destruction, we need a treaty to manage its risks—and soon.
Helmut K. Anheier, President and Professor, Sociology at the Hertie School of Governance
Sep 26, 2017
US President Donald Trump’s nearly eight months in office have been characterized by a series of disturbing political developments. But Trump is not entirely to blame. His presidency is just the latest act in a long-running political tragedy.
Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
Sep 25, 2017
The average Chinese person probably knows more about the United States than the average American knows about China. A closer look at modern China’s history and politics, however, will reveal that the two countries have a great deal in common.