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Society & Culture
  • Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

    Jun 21, 2021

    The problem of an aging society afflicts both China and the United States, and there is plenty of room for cooperation to address common interests. As the demographic trend continues, the impact on their respective agendas will only become more pronounced.

  • Philip Cunningham, Independent Scholar

    Jun 10, 2021

    China’s recent space ventures and the subsequent Western coverage reveal much about the way news and media play into animosity between two nations.

  • China-US Focus,

    Jun 07, 2021

    China allows married households to have up to three children thanks to pressure from a quickly aging society.

  • Xiao Bin, Deputy Secretary-general, Center for Shanghai Cooperation Organization Studies, Chinese Association of Social Sciences

    Jun 07, 2021

    Over the long course of history, the swings from imbalance to equilibrium have been fleeting. Therefore, as it is surrounded by countries with unsettled conditions, China should adapt. It needs to respond in ways that foster strategic stability.

  • Su Jingxiang, Fellow, China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations

    Jun 07, 2021

    Unable to shut down trade, the United States has shrewdly — if unfairly — attacked China and Russia over alleged human rights violations. But the strategy has only been destructive. Some political and business leaders in Europe have begun to worry about the potential end result.

  • Ma Shikun, Senior Journalist, the People’s Daily

    May 28, 2021

    Far more Chinese people than Americans express approval of their system and leadership, and they have good reason. Steady growth, good management, history and widened educational opportunity anchor their trust. Globally, Chinese are among the most optimistic about their government, especially younger people.

  • Wang Zhen, Research Professor, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

    May 12, 2021

    Some abrasive and unfair claims have been made in the West about China’s measures to achieve stability in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Population figures alone show conclusively that the outrageous accusation has no merit.

  • Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar

    May 08, 2021

    Scholars and students have been caught in the crossfire as the Sino-American relationship takes a turn for the worse.

  • Ma Shikun, Senior Journalist, the People’s Daily

    May 08, 2021

    Western politicians and media have steadfastly refused to explain to the world how China has defeated terrorism. The success of the program has won plaudits around the world, including from Muslims. But the spin in the West represents yet another gratuitously negative dig.

  • Brian Wong, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Fellow at Centre on Contemporary China and the World, HKU and Rhodes Scholar

    May 04, 2021

    Chloé Zhao’s Oscar win is being censored in China. But Zhao’s story could serve as an inspiration and boost to the country’s soft power – if only cooler heads prevailed.

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