Dec 05, 2014
Southeast Asia plans to spend an estimated $7 trillion over the next 15 years upgrading infrastructure. There’s a real risk the money may go to waste. No one d
Dec 05, 2014
Two weeks ago, Admiral Mike Rogers, head of U.S. Cyber Command and the director of the National Security Agency, told a congressional panel that China and “one
Dec 05, 2014
No one ever doubted that the Chinese authorities could clear protesters from Hong Kong’s streets if and when they chose. It hasn’t come to that. With support
Dec 04, 2014
Even as Western strategists spill gobs of ink recalling the Great War that convulsed Europe a century ago, Chinese military thinkers are actually fixated on ano
Dec 04, 2014
The Financial Times recently reported that China has wasted nearly $7 trillion since the global financial crisis. According to research by China’s state planni
Dec 04, 2014
Three weeks ago, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit concluded with a diplomatic bang. On November 12, President Obama and President Xi announce
Dec 04, 2014
U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel’s resignation, like so many other topics, sparked many online discussions comparing China and the United States. I have a
Dec 04, 2014
China’s very public campaign against graft has netted thousands of officials both big and small — “tigers” and “flies,” in Communist Party parlance — but
Dec 03, 2014
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru, this week and next will lay the groundwork for a more significant gathering in Paris a year from now
Dec 03, 2014
Chinese leaders held their second work conference on foreign policy in 8 years — a rare occurrence by any measure (the previous one was held in 2006). What sho