Mar 20, 2015
When China’s leaders look at the outside world, what do they feel? Admiration? Love? Envy? Perhaps even pity or arrogance? From time to time, Chinese leaders s
Mar 20, 2015
As crunchy vignettes in U.S.-China relations go, it’s hard to beat the moment in 1979 when President Jimmy Carter pressed Deng Xiaoping to let Chinese people e
Mar 20, 2015
Earlier this week, the commander of the U.S. Navy Seventh Fleet made headlines when he suggested that ASEAN countries could cooperate to form a maritime force t
Mar 20, 2015
International relations are traditionally conducted by national leaders, government officials, and diplomats. The power of citizen exchanges, or “people-to-peo
Mar 20, 2015
What do China’s “war on pollution” and campaign against corruption have in common? They’ve both placed China’s coal and oil empires in their crosshairs, an
Mar 19, 2015
Is a 99.9 percent conviction rate something to be proud of, or a sign of a deeply flawed justice system? In China, where only 825 of the 1.16 million people who
Mar 17, 2015
A senior White House official cited by Reuters said that China has decided to shelve a new anti-terrorism law that would have required technology companies to h
Mar 17, 2015
Can Asia beat the rising-dollar curse? The question is far from academic considering the central role that a strengthening U.S. currency played in sparking the
Mar 17, 2015
In Western media, the National People’s Congress — China’s legislative body which just ended its annual three week session — is perfunctorily conjoined with
Mar 17, 2015
Last week, Mike McConnell, who served as director of national intelligence under U.S. President George W. Bush, and who is now a high-ranking advisor to Booz Al