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Media Report
March 29 , 2019
  • The Washington Post reports, "Chinese and U.S. negotiators have wrapped up trade talks in Beijing with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin saying they were 'constructive.' Mnuchin said in a tweet Friday that he looked forward to continuing the talks in Washington next week. The representatives posed for photos at a government guest house in western Beijing but did not comment about the state of negotiations in front of reporters. Neither side provided any details on the status of the talks or said if major progress had been made. Chinese Vice Premier Liu He is due to visit Washington next week to lead Beijing's delegation to the talks on resolving a dispute over technology and industrial policy. It has resulted in both sides imposing heavy punitive tariffs on each other's exports." 
  • The Wall Street Journal reports, "China is offering foreign technology firms better access to the country's fast-growing cloud-computing market, people briefed on the matter said, as Beijing fashions a compromise in a tech sector the U.S. wants opened as part of a trade deal. Premier Li Keqiang disclosed the proposal to allow trial operations for foreign cloud-service providers at a Monday meeting with about three dozen corporate chieftains, including those from International Business Machines Corp., Pfizer Inc., Rio Tinto PLC, BMW AG and Daimler AG. The plan is part of a package of offers on technology-related issues Chinese negotiators are expected to discuss with their U.S. counterparts during high-level meetings scheduled for Friday, the people said. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, who arrived in Beijing on Thursday, are to hold the new round of talks with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He to try to close a deal to end the yearlong trade dispute between the world's two largest economies."

  • The New York Times reports, "These are not carefree days for Huawei, the Chinese tech behemoth. The United States is trying to persuade the world not to use the company's equipment in cellular networks. The Justice Department has charged the firm and its chief financial officer with bank fraud and theft of trade secrets. Yet Huawei's business is soaring. And the company's leaders sound confident that Washington can do little to stop it from flying higher. Huawei earned more than $105 billion in revenue last year, up nearly a fifth from 2017, Guo Ping, the company's deputy chairman, said on Friday. Profit grew by a quarter, to more than $8 billion. Though Huawei has not sold shares to the public, it publishes audited yearly financial results as a gesture toward openness. Speaking at the company's headquarters in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, Mr. Guo said that 'we will do everything we can to shake off outside distractions, improve management and make progress toward our strategic goals.'"

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