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Media Report
January 09 , 2019
  • The New York Times reports, "Three days of trade negotiations between midlevel American and Chinese officials ended in Beijing on Wednesday afternoon with progress in identifying and narrowing the two sides' differences but little sense of when they might reach a deal. The trade talks could help clear the way for higher-level talks this month when President Trump attends the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Vice Premier Liu He, China's economic czar, is expected to go to Washington sometime after that. Chinese officials had no immediate comment, although the Commerce Ministry was expected to address the negotiations during its weekly news conference on Thursday. In a statement after the talks ended, the United States trade representative's office said the two sides had discussed China's pledge to buy a "substantial" amount of American agricultural, energy and manufacturing products."

  • CNN reports, "North Korean leader Kim Jong Un departed Beijing Wednesday by train, marking an end to his surprise visit to the Chinese capital that comes as Washington and Pyongyang are trying to hammer out the details of a second summit. Kim and his delegation are now expected to begin the 13-hour trip to the town of Dandong, which sits on the border between China and North Korea. Kim is expected to spend a total of four days in China, entering the country Monday and leaving early on Thursday. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang would not comment on the purpose or timing of Kim's visit at a briefing Tuesday, saying only that the two countries were making 'joint efforts to uphold peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.'"
  • CNBC reports, "[C]orporate filings and other documents found by Reuters in Iran and Syria show that Huawei, the world's largest supplier of telecommunications network equipment, is more closely linked to both firms than previously known. The documents reveal that a high-level Huawei executive appears to have been appointed Skycom's Iran manager. They also show that at least three Chinese-named individuals had signing rights for both Huawei and Skycom bank accounts in Iran. Reuters also discovered that a Middle Eastern lawyer said Huawei conducted operations in Syria through Canicula. The previously unreported ties between Huawei and the two companies could bear on the U.S. case against Meng, who is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, by further undermining Huawei's claims that Skycom was merely an arms-length business partner."
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