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Media Report
August 17 , 2018
  • CNBC reports: "The Chinese yuan's weakness will be a focal point during the U.S.-China trade talks in late August, as both countries grapple with the fallout from recent fluctuations in the currency markets, analysts said. The mid-level talks will likely be about "how exactly are they going to deal with the RMB (renminbi)," said Robin Brooks, chief economist at the Institute of International Finance, referring to another name for the yuan. On Friday morning in Asia, the dollar traded around 6.89 against the Chinese yuan — a whisker away from 7, a level last witnessed in May 2008. The dollar has gained about 6 percent against the yuan since the start of the year, with much of the appreciation occurring in the last two months."
  • The Wall Street Journal reports: "The new U.S. special representative for Iran said Thursday the Trump administration is prepared to impose sanctions on all countries that buy oil from Iran after a deadline in November, including China, the top importer of Iranian crude. Brian Hook, who has been appointed as special representative and chief of a new Iran Action Group at the State Department, said the U.S. would issue waivers from sanctions to countries that have made efforts to reduce their Iranian oil purchases. India and South Korea are among Iran's top oil customers. Both countries already have started to scale back imports and are hoping to obtain waivers to buy more time to replace Iranian crude."
  • CNN reports: "China is actively developing its fleet of long-range bombers and "likely" training its pilots for missions targeting the US, according to a new Pentagon report. "Over the last three years, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has rapidly expanded its overwater bomber operating areas, gaining experience in critical maritime regions and likely training for strikes against US and allied targets," the report said. The "Annual Report on Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China" is a US government report mandated by Congress, which details Chinese military developments over the previous year. This year's report also claims that China is pursuing a nuclear capability on its long-range bombers, saying the Chinese air force "has been re-assigned a nuclear mission.""
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