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Media Report
May 14 , 2018
  • CNN reports: "With his pledge to save a major Chinese company from crippling US sanctions, President Donald Trump has delivered yet another twist in the trade clash with Beijing. His announcement on Twitter that he's working to give China's ZTE "a way to get back into business, fast" was a sudden shift in the US stance at the start of a big week for trade ties between the world's top two economies. Washington and Beijing have threatened to impose tariffs on tens of billions of dollars of each other's products, fueling fears of a full-blown trade war."
  • CNBC reports: "China expects to deliver its domestically developed AG600, the world's largest amphibious aircraft, to customers by 2022, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported late on Sunday citing the plane's manufacturer. "We are endeavouring to get the airworthiness certification from the civil aviation authorities by 2021, and deliver it to the customers by 2022," Xinhua quoted Huang Lingcai, the plane's chief designer at state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China... China developed the AG600 as part of a drive to modernize its military, amid a more muscular approach to territorial disputes in places like the South China Sea that has rattled nerves in the Asia-Pacific region and the United States."
  • Financial Times reports: "American business leaders are increasingly concerned that Donald Trump may strike a rapid deal with Beijing on reducing the US trade deficit and fail to address long-running complaints over China's caps on foreign ownership and weak intellectual property protection. The fears have surfaced as Liu He, Xi Jinping's economic tsar, is expected in Washington for trade talks this week following the visit by an American delegation to Beijing this month. 'China and the United States are working well together on trade, but past negotiations have been so one sided in favour of China, for so many years, that it is hard for them to make a deal that benefits both countries,' Mr Trump tweeted on Sunday. "But be cool, it will all work out!'"
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