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Media Report
March 26 , 2017
  • Financial Times reports that Carrie Lam, a divisive career civil servant, has been selected as Hong Kong's next chief executive by a Beijing-dominated committee, presaging further tensions between the semi-autonomous territory and the Chinese government. Ms Lam on Sunday secured 777 votes from the 1,194-member selection committee, which is composed of businesspeople, politicians and civic leaders who are overwhelmingly loyal to Beijing.  John Tsang, a former finance secretary who had far more public support but was not favoured by the Chinese government, obtained 365 votes. Woo Kwok-hing, a retired judge and an independent third candidate, won 21. The manner of Ms Lam's selection highlights the failure of the democracy movement in Hong Kong and fears about the territory losing the autonomy it was promised for 50 years by Beijing when it took control of the former British colony in 1997.  Ms Lam on Sunday vowed to reach out to the opposition to "heal" the deep divisions in Hong Kong. But she said she would not push for new talks on political reform because Hong Kong was facing more pressing problems, ranging from housing to education.
  • The Hill writes that democratic lawmakers are raising conflicts-of-interest questions over a real estate project between a Chinese firm and the family of President Trump's son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner. Kushner Companies, the real-estate developer owned by Kushner's family, is in talks with China-based Anbang Insurance Group over a potential investment in a building at 666 Fifth Ave. in Manhattan. Bloomberg reported last month that the family could make as much as $400 million off the deal. Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Tom Carper (D-Del.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Gary Peters (D-Mich.) and Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) voiced their concerns in letters to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and the Office of White House Counsel released Saturday...The terms of the deal - described as 'unusually favorable' to the Kushner family - would provide the family with a sizeable cash payout and ownership stake.

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