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Media Report
November 13 , 2016
  • New York Times writes: "...They were among the best junior high and high school basketball coaches in China, brought to Utah's gorgeous campus in a partnership between their government and the Pacific-12 Conference and the University of Utah.This is no longer Ping-Pong diplomacy...The Chinese government hopes many more coaches will learn that lesson. Nearly 100 Chinese junior high and high school coaches in the sports of men's and women's basketball, track and field, swimming and cheerleading were sent to Utah, and roughly the same number of Chinese college coaches went to Arizona State, which is also in the Pac-12...The coaches observed practices and weight-room sessions. They got some time on the court themselves with Utah coaches. They participated in talks on injury rehabilitation and conducted film-room sessions. They even got to see the final bit of this year's football game against Brigham Young, known locally as the Holy War...Their three-month residency in Utah, near mountains whose peaks were already snow-capped, was one of several signs of the Pac-12's interest in claiming dominion over the Pacific Rim.
  • Financial Times reports that China has warned Donald Trump that he will be defying the wishes of the entire planet if he acts on his vow to back away from the Paris climate agreement after he becomes US president next January.In a sign of how far the world has shifted in recognising the need to tackle global warming, Beijing — once seen as an obstructive force in UN climate talks — is now leading the push for progress by responding to fears that Mr Trump would pull the US out of the landmark accord. "It is global society's will that all want to co-operate to combat climate change," a senior Beijing negotiator said in Marrakesh on Friday, at the first round of UN talks since the Paris deal was sealed last December. The Chinese negotiators added that "any movement by the new US government" would not affect their transition towards becoming a greener economy.India also joined in the warnings, saying Mr Trump's appointment would force countries to reassess an accord hailed as an end to the fossil fuel era.

  • BBC News reports that tens of thousands of pro-China protesters have rallied in Hong Kong, expressing anger at calls for the territory's independence.demonstrators waved Chinese flags, and chanted "oppose Hong Kong independence; support Beijing's ruling". Last week, the Chinese government issued a rare ruling on Hong Kong's law, effectively disqualifying two pro-independence lawmakers from parliament...Organisers of Sunday's pro-China protest say 40,000 people attended the rally outside Hong Kong's parliament, while police estimate 28,500 people were there at the peak of the demonstration.
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