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Media Report
May 06 , 2016
  • Reuters reports: "International criticism of China over the disputed South China Sea will rebound like a coiled spring, a Chinese diplomat said on Friday, as a U.S. warship visited Shanghai against a backdrop of rising tension in the region....Ouyang Yujing, director-general of Chinese Foreign Ministry's Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs, said China took note of the criticism. 'Of course we're willing to take on board constructive comments and criticism by the relevant countries,' Ouyang told a news briefing. 'But if they are aimed at putting pressure on China or blackening its name, then you can view it like a spring, which has an applied force and a counterforce. The more the pressure, the greater the reaction.'"
  • The Wall Street Journal reports: "Anger over advertising practices on search giant Baidu Inc. has shed light on the murky online environment for patients seeking information about their diseases, in a country where Internet search is subject to censorship and dominated by one company....Chinese users have criticized Baidu's handling of search results before, but Mr. Wei's case was met with particular vigor. Chinese authorities have launched an investigation of Baidu, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce said Thursday it was cracking down on questionable Internet-advertising practices. The company's stock has plunged more than 9% since reports of the investigation surfaced Monday."
  • The Associated Press reports: "The sister of a prominent imprisoned Chinese political activist said Friday she fears her brother is seriously ill and is urging the authorities to allow him access to better medical treatment, in what an international rights group said is the latest example of China routinely denying political prisoners adequate care....Yang Maodong, 49, better known by his penname Guo Feixiong, is serving a six-year sentence in a southern Chinese prison after years of pushing for constitutional rule, media freedom and democracy in China. Before his 2013 detention, Yang was in good health, his sister said."
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