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Media Report
March 11 , 2016
  • The Washington Post reports: "China will not return to its era of pursuing economic growth at the expense of the environment despite its slowing economy, the country's environment minister said Friday....For decades, China pursued economic growth with little care of the damage to the country's environment. In recent years, the Chinese government has changed tack as it tries to move away from an economy dependent on heavy industry to a more sustainable one based on domestic consumption and services....Today, China is aiming to transform its economic development model and pursue 'economic quality, but also environmental quality,' Chen told a news conference during an annual meeting of the country's legislature."
  • Reuters reports: "Russia and China told North Korea on Friday its nuclear ambitions were unacceptable, urging Pyongyang to resume talks over its nuclear weapons program and heed a U.N. Security Council resolution banning ballistic missile tests....Commenting on the North's growing nuclear ambitions, Wang said the latest U.N. resolution banning its nuclear tests must be 'implemented point by point.'...Russia's Lavrov said Moscow deemed Pyongyang's behavior 'irresponsible'. 'We believe that the world community's firm reaction will be interpreted by Pyongyang as a signal that there should be no such escapades in future,' said Lavrov."
  • BBC News reports: "Cheung Jiping and Lui Bo had been released from police custody in southern China last week. But a close friend told the BBC they were in Hong Kong for only a few hours before going back to China as part of their bail conditions. Both men have confessed to trading in illegal books in China. Their supporters believe the confessions, made on Chinese TV, were forced."
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