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Media Report
August 05 , 2015
  • Reuters reports, "Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday that Beijing had halted land reclamation in the South China Sea, and called on countries in the region to speed up talks on how claimant states should conduct themselves in the disputed waters. In June, China said it would soon complete some of its reclamation in the Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea, while adding it would continue to build facilities on the man-made islands. Wang's remarks at a regional meeting in Kuala Lumpur appeared designed to defuse tensions with other countries that lay claim to parts of the sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year.Beijing claims most of the waters, while the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei have overlapping claims."
  • "China's government will set up cybersecurity police units at major Internet companies, in Beijing's latest move to tighten control over the country's online forums. China's Ministry of Public Security will set up the units at key websites and Internet companies to help them prevent crimes such as fraud and 'spreading of rumors,' China's official Xinhua news service said late Tuesday. China's Ministry of Public Security didn't say which companies will have the new police units. China's Internet sector is dominated by three companies: e-commerce giant Alibaba Group HoldingLtd. gaming and messaging company Tencent Holdings Ltd. and search-engine provider Baidu Inc," writes The Wall Street Journal.
  • Reuters writes, "China has appealed for U.S. support in fighting Islamist militants in the far western Chinese region of Xinjiang, saying they are also a threat to the United States. Chinese officials say the East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) recruits Uighurs, a largely Muslim ethnic minority from Xinjiang, and trains them with extremists in Syria and Iraq, with the intent of returning to China to wage holy war. Many foreign experts, however, have questioned whether ETIM exists as the coherent group China claims it is. The threat of terror grows 'more complicated and severe by the day,' China's Foreign Ministry said late on Tuesday, following a meeting between Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping and Tina Kaidanow, Ambassador-At-Large for the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Counterterrorism."
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