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Media Report
June 09 , 2015
  • Bloomberg writes, "The European Union and China are planning an agreement this month on fighting climate change before nations worldwide gather to iron out a global emissions-cutting deal, according to two people with knowledge of the matter. The pact to be signed June 29 will promote closer ties in using low-emission technologies and developing carbon markets and sustainable cities, said the people, who asked not to be identified because talks remain under way... China, the world's largest emitter, and the EU, which wants to lead the global fight against climate change, will highlight the need for a successful emissions-reduction deal to be sealed at December's United Nations conference in Paris, the people said. The EU operates the biggest global cap-and-trade program."
  • According to Reuters, "Malaysia will protest against what it said was the intrusion of a Chinese coast guard ship into its waters north of Borneo, the Wall Street Journal reported, in another departure from the country's soft approach to the South China Sea dispute. China has overlapping claims with the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei in the South China Sea, through which $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year."

  • "President Barack Obama vowed on Monday that the United States would aggressively bolster its cyber defenses, as U.S. officials said the probe into a massive breach of federal government networks has yielded growing signs of a direct Chinese role. Obama stopped short of pointing the finger at Beijing for the recent cyber attack, which threatens to overshadow broader annual U.S.-China talks in Washington this month at a time when tensions are already high over Beijing's pursuit of territorial claims in the South China Sea," writes Reuters.
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