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Media Report
April 02 , 2015
  • The New York Times reports, "The sudden rush to join China's new Asian development bank by this week's deadline, including last-minute applications by countries hardly considered Beijing's best friends, astonished even the Chinese. Few in Beijing had believed that Taiwan, still considered a breakaway territory by China, would want in...after the deadline, China announced that it had attracted 46 founding members for its new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank...The last-minute surge to join the bank is considered a major victory for China in a rare public showdown with the United States, which opposed the bank, as the two powers try to outmaneuver each other for influence in Asia. It was also a recognition of economic reality; China has deep pockets and the institutions backed by the United States have not met the growing demands for roads, railroads and pipelines in Asia."
  • "China pushed up the adoption of cleaner fuel standards as the government increases efforts to curb pollution...The nation will adopt a fuel standard that caps sulfur content in gasoline and diesel at 10 parts per million by the end of 2016, one year ahead of an original deadline set by the State Council... China has been struggling to fight pollution, a byproduct of the nation's high-speed economic growth over the past 30 years, as dirty air and water persist as a source of public discontent. President Xi Jinping pledged in March at the annual session of the National People's Congress to punish violators of the nation's environmental laws with an 'iron hand,'" reports Bloomberg.

  • According to The Wall Street Journal, "The Communist Party of Vietnam's top official heads to China next week at a time the two countries are seeking to improve relations soured by overlapping claims in the South China Sea. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong is to arrive in China on Tuesday for a four-day trip. It will be the highest-profile visit by a Vietnamese official to China since friction over the deployment of a Chinese oil rig in contested waters last May...Relations between Vietnam and China-its largest trading partner and communist ally-plunged to their lowest levels in decades after the oil rig deployment."
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