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Media Report
March 10 , 2015
  • According to The Wall Street Journal, "The number of new jobs created in urban China slowed sharply in the first two months of this year, China's labor minister said, while a private employment survey suggested a sharp pickup in hiring was unlikely to happen anytime soon. The government aims to create more than 10 million new urban jobs this year-the same target as last year, though the actual number of jobs created in 2014 was 13.2 million. But this year's slow hiring start underscores the challenges policy makers face amid sluggish expansion in the world's second-largest national economy. 'Slower economic growth, increased downward pressure on the economy and industrial restructuring are making job creation more difficult,'...Strong employment remains a top priority for China given the importance of social stability in the one-party state."

  • Reuters reports, "Chinese extremists have joined the Islamic State and authorities have broken up gangs that returned from fighting abroad, the Communist Party boss of China's western Xinjiang region said on Tuesday, arguing that secrecy was needed to save lives. China says militants who want to establish a separate state in Xinjiang called East Turkestan are holed up along the ungoverned Afghan-Pakistani border, and have expressed concern that fighters are traveling to battlefields in Syria and Iraq. Around 300 Chinese extremists were fighting with the Islamic State, Chinese state media said in December, but officials have been vague about the extent of the threat. Such numbers are nearly impossible to verify."

  • "Indian police on Tuesday detained about a hundred Tibetans who were protesting outside the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi on the anniversary of a failed 1959 uprising against China's rule in Tibet. Protesters interlocked their hands and tried to form a chain around the embassy before police stepped in and dragged them away. Some protesters shouted 'Free Tibet' and 'Rise up for freedom,' while others tied themselves together with an iron link chain...Tibetan activists said they were dedicating their protest to the memory of the 130 Tibetans who have self-immolated since 2009 to protest Chinese rule in Tibet. China maintains that Tibet has been part of its territory for more than seven centuries, while many Tibetans say they were effectively an independent country for most of that time," writes The Washington Post

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