Tom Watkins, President and CEO of the Economic Council of Palm Beach County, FL
Aug 30, 2018
What is America’s plan to lead in the 21st century? Without focus and strategic investment, the U.S. is at risk of losing in the game of global leadership – and facing a future where America does not occupy a dominant position.
Yu Yongding, Former President, China Society of World Economics
Aug 30, 2018
While some observers are concerned by the fall of the Chinese currency, past experience offers a clear lesson: don’t panic.
Charles Stevens, Freelance Writer
Aug 29, 2018
China’s Middle Corridor aims to reincarnate an ancient nexus of power, culture, and commerce by promoting economic cooperation through Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. Travelling along this key corridor, however, shows that its vision of promoting trans-Eurasian connectivity is still far from fruition.
Andrew Sheng, Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong
Xiao Geng, Director of Institute of Policy and Practice at Shenzhen Finance Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug 29, 2018
By rejecting old theories and embracing competition among its cities, China is creating domestic demand that can fuel its future development.
Sara Hsu, Visiting Scholar at Fudan University
Aug 28, 2018
What might happen to the Chinese fintech industry as a result of the growing trade conflict with the U.S.?
Zainab Zaheer, Development Consultant
Aug 28, 2018
Newly-appointed Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has two realistic options: to further inflate the country’s Chinese debt, or to look to the International Monetary Fund for a bailout for the 15th time since the 1980s. Both options have serious drawbacks.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
Aug 28, 2018
Many observers believe that the US is doing the rest of the world a huge favor by running chronic current-account deficits – namely, supporting the large surplus countries, which tend to suffer from a shortfall of domestic demand. Others, including me, are more critical of America’s long-standing penchant for excess consumption and the role that surplus economies play in enabling it.
Simon Lester, Associate Director, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies
Huan Zhu, Research Associate, Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies
Aug 28, 2018
A few short years ago, China and the United States appeared to be cooperating; today, the two are rivals in nearly every respect. What will become of this relationship, and how can existing international institutions and principles shape its future?
Christopher A. McNally, Professor of Political Economy, Chaminade University
Aug 22, 2018
Because the US Dollar is the world’s reserve currency, economic turmoil makes people flock to it – even when that turmoil is created by America itself.
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
Aug 22, 2018
The US trade allegations against China are unsubstantiated by facts.