Ben Reynolds, Writer and Foreign Policy Analyst in New York
May 31, 2019
American farmers and the U.S. agriculture industry has taken a big hit since the US-China trade war began last year. With recent negotiations breaking down and little progress being made, American agriculture will have to brace for more trying times ahead.
Sara Hsu, Visiting Scholar at Fudan University
May 31, 2019
China recently introduced new policies designed to open up its economy and increase the amount of foreign capital in the Chinese financial system. It sounds like a lot of effort is being put toward making China's financial sector more accessible, but is it, really?
He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG
May 31, 2019
Trump’s idiosyncratic “art of the deal” apparently means putting extreme pressure on your negotiating partner to force them to surrender — but the US approach is based on faulty Trumpian economic assumptions and a misread of China’s growth history, and will only backfire.
Stephen Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University
May 29, 2019
“When governments permit counterfeiting or copying of American products, it is stealing our future, and it is no longer free trade.” So said US President Ronald Reagan, commenting on Japan after the Plaza Accord was concluded in September 1985. Today resembles, in many respects, a remake of this 1980s movie, but with a reality-television star replacing a Hollywood film star in the presidential leading role – and with a new villain in place of Japan.
Leonardo Dinic, Advisor to the CroAsia Institute
May 29, 2019
The days of guns, germs, and steel are over. Now, data, surveillance, and databases reign. The US should match Beijing’s long-term plans for AI and national intelligence goals if it is to remain a global economic and political leader.
Wu Zurong, Research Fellow, China Foundation for Int'l Studies
May 29, 2019
US overreach in the ongoing trade talks has resulted in the failure to reach an agreement. Not only has the US bullied China on the bilateral trade deficit in commodities (based on President Trump’s irrational economic views), but it has overlooked the real harms that tariffs will do to US firms and consumers.
Tian Feilong, Associate Professor, the Law School of Beihang University
May 28, 2019
The China-US trade war has turned into a “tech war,” with the US aiming to block Huawei from building global 5G networks. Proposals from the recent Prague conference reflect US efforts to reassert its tech dominance by getting allies to follow its lead. But with Trump’s “America First” attitude undermining the moral basis of American leadership, and US innovation lagging, protectionist bullying will not provide a firm foundation for hegemony.
Li Zheng, Assistant Research Processor, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
May 27, 2019
Trump’s attacks on Huawei open the door to the long-term “decoupling” of Chinese and US cyberspace. Will this separation of the two countries’ tech industries achieve US goals? Or will it introduce political meddling into the previously free and open environmental of innovation in America’s digital economy, while reducing global trust in US tech giants?
Lucio Blanco Pitlo III, President of Philippine Association for Chinese Studies, and Research Fellow at Asia-Pacific Pathways to Progress Foundation
May 27, 2019
The second Belt and Road forum showed that despite persistent challenges, the initiative is an evolving one and will continue to gain international support. However, its success will depend on its ability to integrate and reconcile an increasing number of actors and interests.
Yasheng Huang, Professor, MIT’s Sloan School of Management
May 27, 2019
Critics often claim that China is using its massive “Belt and Road Initiative” as a form of coercive “debt-trap diplomacy” to exert control over the countries that join its transnational infrastructure investment scheme. This risk, as Deborah Brautigam of John Hopkins University recently noted, is often exaggerated by the media. In fact, the BRI may hold a different kind of risk – for China itself.