Feb 17, 2011
China’s emergence as the second largest economy in the world, and on some reckoning an economy that is already nudging America for the top spot, inevitably rai
Feb 16, 2011
International cooperation necessary to prevent future financial crisis as capital flows becomes more globalized The recent financial crisis has exposed critical
Cai Fang, VP, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Feb 16, 2011
It is essential for China to improve its production efficiency in order to transform its mode of development The Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Communist Par
Cai Penghong, Senior Fellow, SIIS
Feb 14, 2011
Planning for the new trade entity Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) concluded with a successful four-round negotiation phase in 2010, resulting in the US announci
Miao Yanliang, a member of the China Finance 40
Feb 14, 2011
As the US mid-term election looms and the effect of the global financial crisis (GFC) lingers, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act (HR 2378) is the latest sa
Wang Yong, Professor, Peking University
Feb 14, 2011
Although the US Department of Treasury has decided to postpone its scheduled report on whether China is manipulating its currency to gain trade advantage until
Song Wei, Associate Professor, Peking University
Feb 14, 2011
The concept of power status is often used to emphasize the relative distribution of national capabilities across single countries. Under the anarchical internat
Jan 01, 2000
US-China Trade and Economic Relations Forum: What Now, What Next