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  • Niu Li, Director of Macro-economy Studies, State Information Center

    Aug 31, 2016

    China’s macro challenge: Stay problem-oriented and target-oriented, considerably alleviate the financing difficulty of the private enterprises, reduce excess capacity, foster a driving force for a new growth and stimulate private investment – all while speeding up supply-side structural reform.

  • Dan Steinbock, Founder, Difference Group

    Aug 30, 2016

    As China assumes G20 leadership, the prospect of global “protectionism” is on the rise and the stakes could not be higher for cooperation and major structural reforms. Without continued investment and trade, secular stagnation in advanced economies and growth deceleration in emerging economies will continue to broaden.

  • Yin Chengde, Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies

    Aug 30, 2016

    The US should follow the historical trend of trade liberalization, abandon protectionism, and engage in non-discriminatory free trade. That is the only winning formula for its own and the rest of the world’s economic difficulties.

  • Aug 25, 2016

    The US-China Business Council has released the key findings of its 2016 annual member survey. For the past 11 years, USCBC has polled its members on their business performance in China and their priority issues.

  • Fernando Menéndez, Economist and China-Latin America observer

    Aug 25, 2016

    Donald Trump’s nomination as the presumptive GOP candidate has come amid global alarm that the openly protectionist candidate will launch a series of anti-free trade initiatives if elected. However, a trade war with Mexico, and even more so with China, would have catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy.

  • Zhang Monan, Deputy Director of Institute of American and European Studies, CCIEE

    Aug 24, 2016

    The tool of negative interest rates has not worked, but has spread to dangerous levels. If the current global crisis bailout methods are not fundamentally reformed, and the old policy options continue to be applied, the possibility of another global crisis in the future can not be ruled out.

  • He Weiwen, Senior Fellow, Center for China and Globalization, CCG

    Aug 22, 2016

    Strategies to stabilize world commodities and promote industrialization in Africa are key to achieving the goals of global governance and for sustainable growth. Giving less-developed nations outside the G20 an economic boost is a necessary commitment if any long-term global strategies are to be successful.

  • Chen Xiangyang, Director and Research Professor, CICIR

    Aug 18, 2016

    The G20 Summit hosted by Chinese President Xi Jinping will help alleviate current problems in a troubled world and become yet another milestone of a rising China. Despite US fickleness toward emerging countries, the summit may usher in a new era of global governance in which China will emerge as a leader with the world’s major powers, old and new, working together for common benefit.

  • Wu Zhenglong, Senior Research Fellow, China Foundation for International Studies

    Aug 16, 2016

    Despite challenging times, by embracing innovation the Hangzhou G20 Summit will help bring about sustainable, strong and balanced global growth and chart a new direction for world economic development, namely, towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy.

  • Yu Xiang, Senior Fellow, China Construction Bank Research Institute

    Aug 15, 2016

    The economic relationship should have evolved with China and U.S. economies’ “New Normal”, but a variety of fears are in the way. The U.S. would like to decrease its reliance on consumption as the engine of growth, relying more on domestic investment and exports. China seeks more consumer spending, and less reliance on domestic investment and exports. Those goals are highly complementary and mutually reinforcing, creating opportunities that should not be missed.

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