Cui Liru
Former President, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations
Oct 31, 2016
China-US relations have reached a new historic juncture, which is characterized by new dynamics in the interactions between the two countries at a strategic level. The result is a new configuration of China-US relations that will be stable if the US can set aside its eagerness to be dominant across the globe.
Aug 10, 2016
China believes that it can cultivate a relationship with the U.S. based on peaceful co-existence. However, the South China Sea is proving a collision point between U.S. hegemony and Chinese interests in safeguarding its own security and development.
Jun 15, 2016
China is unswervingly committed to its path of peaceful development, and believes China and the US can cultivate a state-to-state relationship featuring long-term peaceful co-existence against a new historical background. Seeking common ground while shelving differences is an effective, important principle that has served both countries well and would continue to do so in the future.
Mar 29, 2016
The process of globalization has dramatically transformed state-to-state relations at regional levels: As bonds of community of interest are being formulated on greater scales, cooperation will become essential for coexistence in the future. China-US cooperation in the construction of regional order for the Asia-Pacific is not only in their fundamental interests, but also the two major countries’ historical responsibility for the area.
Mar 22, 2016
Washington and Beijing have strengthened cooperation in coping with global challenges as climate change and pandemic control, and seen remarkable achievements. Such co-existence and interweaving of competition and cooperation will become the New Normal of China-US ties for a fairly long period of time, though challenges in North Korea and Afghanistan will test that potential.
Jan 20, 2016
Global developments have led China to take a more proactive approach in dealing with international issues in 2015 that saw China transition to practicing “major-country” diplomacy. As U.S.-China relations are turning more contentious and competitive, the two countries must seek convergence of common interests and avoid conflict and confrontation.
Sep 21, 2015
For both sides, statesmanship and long-term political commitment is essential at critical moments, as was repeatedly evidenced in the Sino-US relations since the ice-breaking contact in early 1970s. Washington and Beijing must look beyond semantics and embrace a new type of relationship that meets both sides’ goals of peace and progress.
Apr 02, 2015
The West increasingly views China as a potential competitor, while Chinese decision-makers misinterpret U.S. “hedging” as “containment.” The dissolution of traditional U.S. global hegemony and increasing importance of the Asia-Pacific calls for new transnational cooperation. The U.S. and China must lead through a “new model of major-country relations” to respond to the increasing environmental, security, and economic challenges arising around the world.
Jan 14, 2015
Cui Liru describes a transforming international picture of national power relations, one that is moving toward a multipolar world of influence. In order to avoid the possibilities or true confrontation, China must more clearly realize what it wants to achieve in the world, and also needs to imagine what a peaceful coexistence with the U.S. would look like.
Nov 19, 2014
The shortest state visit in the history of the China-U.S. diplomatic relationship yielded important accomplishments in forming a new bilateral relationship, establishing complementary goals, and creating an impactful Joint Declaration on Climate Change.