Chen Xiangyang
Director and Research Professor, CICIR
Mar 13, 2015
The current international situation is rife with change, uncertainty and crisis in the Middle East, Asian Pacific, and Europe, largely due to shifting world power. Chen Xiangyang overviews changes and contradictions around the globe from a realist perspective on power relations.
Jan 29, 2015
China is both an important contributor to and overall beneficiary of the post-war international order. In facing new challenges, China should take the opportunity offered by the 70th anniversary of World War II, and make an effort to safeguard and improve the post-war international order.
Jan 20, 2015
Chen Xiangyang provides an overview of the major international power conflicts during 2014, a year marked by “flux” and “reconfiguration.” Western countries will find it hard to dominate international order, institutions, and rules due to the collective emergence of new powers, mostly in Asia.
Jan 09, 2015
Chen Xiangyang presents a comprehensive overview of the successful highlights of Chinese diplomacy in 2014, focusing on: 1) Xi’s refreshing diplomatic strategies; 2) diplomatic progress with major countries; 3) periphery diplomacy’s steady progress in both crisis control and rights preservation; 4) proactive “home court diplomacy”; 5) economic diplomacy; and 6) its role as a “responsible major country” in dealing with global challenges.
Dec 31, 2014
Speaking at the recent Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, Xi Jinping spelled out China’s new foreign-policy vision, which many have characterized as a diplomatic manifesto to secure the “Chinese dream”.
Nov 05, 2014
Analyzing the six major players in the Asia-Pacific, Chen Xian yang discusses four aspects of new developments in the region.
Sep 26, 2014
Analyzing the recent travels of Chinese President Xi Jingping, Chen Xiangyang examines the “new normal” of periphery diplomacy in China’s foreign policy and explains how it will continue to strengthen relations with regional nations.
Aug 26, 2014
The international and domestic crises that have occurred this past summer have jeopardized President Obama’s Asia-Pacific rebalance. The Ukrainian Crisis, the “Arab Spring”, and the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip are only some of the catastrophes that have led to dissatisfaction with the President’s foreign policy and possible victory for Republicans in the upcoming midterm elections.
Aug 14, 2014
As the United States continues its push into the Asia-Pacific and furthers its pivot or rebalance to the region, Chen Xiangyang urges U.S. policymakers to rethink their China-focused pivot in light of recent international developments.
Jul 23, 2014
The tragedy of flight MH17 may be a turning point for the crisis in Ukraine as international public opinion turns against Pro-Russia forces and Russia. In a world where regional conflicts are globalized, the Sino-Russian relationship could complicate relations between China and Europe, but the renewed focus on Russia may force the US to reduce strategic pressures on China.