Dan Steinbock
Founder, Difference Group
Oct 29, 2012
On Thursday, November 8—only a day after the U.S. presidential election—the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will begin in Beijing.
Sep 20, 2012
As the House Intelligence Committee continues its investigation into China-based telecom companies over alleged security threats; Dr. Dan Steinbock examines the barriers companies like Huawei face when entering US markets.
Aug 23, 2012
As the national conventions loom ahead, Americans prepare to choose the next president on the basis of economic issues. But it is the return of the neoconservatives that will overshadow the discourse on foreign policy – and China.
Jul 24, 2012
Despite prophecies of gloom and doom, China is moving toward rebound – through stimulus lite.
May 25, 2012
Recently, the U.S.-Chinese Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED) was overshadowed by international politics, rapid escalation of challenges in the Eurozone, and
Mar 23, 2012
Leading presidential candidates agree that the U.S.-Chinese relationship is the most important bilateral link in the 21st century. If that’s the case, why is this relationship threatened in the campaigns?
Nov 24, 2011
US presidential elections of 2012 will take place in the most challenging environment, which will not be immune to catastrophic crises. In the coming months, th
Aug 10, 2011
Since mid-May, the United States has lived on borrowed time as Washington has debated multiple deficit-plans before the Aug 2 deadline. After last-minute twists
May 16, 2011
Old disagreements do remain between China and the United States after the third Sino-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED), but the consensus is that the overall atmosphere during the meeting was constructive, realistic and even cautiously optimistic.
Apr 05, 2011
As the dust settles from Japan’s devastating triple tragedy — the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, plus the ongoing nuclear power crisis — the country w